If we dont see anything for the upcoming 2 hours. I dont think we will get anything today
id say within the next 3 years for sure
That’s wishful thinking
we’ll 100% get sth today, and if it’s not a Devblog it’ll be disappointment
Dev blog in 5 minutes
Source: I saw it in my dream
On an aircraft like the Tornado Gr4 yep. But if prototypes arent allowed, then aircraft like the Typhoon are going to have to come with them as I think only hte prototype typhoon ever used Aim-9.
Very wishful thinking
I believe the very first versions also used Sidewinders until IRIS-T/ASRAAM were available on a large enough scale
Its possible, though probably needed, by the time the Typhoon gets added at this rate, its going to be against F-15Es firing Aim-9Xs anyway.
Give me
Can I see the original first image?
I want to be certain which T-80UE it is, the greek T-80UE, or russian T-80UE-1.
Don’t do that, don’t give me hope
don’t worry hope has already been squished
Wait this says part one. Do you have the other parts?
That caption is wrong. Zunis are 5 inch rockets, not 2.75"
Edit: and based on the size of that guy’s hand compared to the diameter of the rocket I’d say it’s a 2.75" rocket in the picture.
Hey least it wasn’t me this time.
Yeah im scrolling back through, I knew there’d be a TM or CM response.
I dont think we get something today or this week.