Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

I mean realistically we got until 3PM GMT iirc

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Smin never lies (except all the times he might of)

If they’re adding a premium Japanese rank VII tank I think a Korean subtree is sure to follow…

Yeah yesterday was around that time i think

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yeah as a french main I agree
but it should be the same for India

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What makes you think they are adding a premium Japan tank?

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Not unthinkable that they are adding more 11.x premium vehicles


Not before the others get added, although Japan does not have a balanced premium to grind the TT with.

The “others”?

Germany, Sweden, Russia, which all had enough tier 7 premiums and effective to grind with - they will have something new before Japan.

Who would win?
Object 292 and its 10kg of Russian bias(3 times)
A wheeled TD that cant tank 50cals

Japan, France, Italy and Israel didn’t get much in the way of top tier tanks last update, so I’ve got a feeling they’ll get something this time around, or by June/July latest… For two of those, that means new top tier tanks provided by their subtrees.

Skilll matters

isn’t it getting close to first devblog about the next major?
aren’t they usually mid February or am i misremembering?

I agree. If its not going to be its own tree (which in some ways it could be), it can be split up by its imports, as events/squadrons/premiums.

IAF Rafale in the French tree, Vijayanta’s in the UK tree, etc, etc.

Sub trees in general have been really messy, only the South African one is pretty solid.


It will be next week

is that confirmed, a guess or a qualified guess?

it will be next week otherwise there wont be enough time for a full devblog season and dev server.

well yes, is there no chance for it to be today?

Very slim chance considering the time of day.