Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

The opposite it is worse

We also miss similar ammo as the USA Heat with fuse for shooting at heli, don’t remember their name.

I’ve read an estimate 720mm of pen for SHARD, but no source for that, not sure at all.

same pen, DM63 doesnt explode anymore

DM73 has a 7% performance increasement, less pen lose over range slightly higher pen general etc

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Sea Harrier FRS.51 would be premium pre pre-order pack rank 8 with introduced aviation rank 9 huh ?


Possibly, Id guess a BR of 11.3 ISH depending on loadouts

ok thx for the info

My Lord
Has ARH Derby so would be 13.0+

Sea eagles would be awesome

Yeah, they would. Tornado, Buc, Sea harriers can all get them

Knowing gaijin

Omg let’s push this back for like 6 to 7 years


im afraid in 3 years max this will be implemented if they even go this modern

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There’s a naval version of Indian Tejas so they can get that instead

F-35 update.

M830A1 i think

As for SHARD, is Shini is to be believed, that would be anywhere between 652 (DM53/63) and 697 mm (DM73) @0m @0°, when intorduced in game.

So basically a 30-70mm difference with what you stated that could be explained by different source use, game modelling, or something else

but tbh 670 would be plenty enough (+100mm compared to the one we have right now), and if we need more, there’s still the big boomer with 140mm gun)

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Tejas is much better fighter so higher BR sir

only what 20 years? away from the current in game top planes (Russian ones excluded)

Excuse me, but I ask him only

Fighter aircraft with active radar MRAAM higher 11.3 BR (12.7 ~ 13.0) but at rank 8 BR 11.3 minimum ?

Premium pack & premium GE in rank 8 could be 12.7 BR max ?

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It depends on if it gets ARH. Could be lower without or an SARH alternative instead

Must be a alternate account of Deathmisser