Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

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Nelson and Rodney which were arguably better better than their interwar competitors
Nelson-class battleship - Wikipedia

There is also the Lion class which was laid down and I believe more complete than Kronshtadt
Lion-class battleship - Wikipedia

There is the G3 Class which the UK’s leading naval historians have asserted were laid down.

G3" project battlecruisers (4)

And finally there is a late Lion Class which would be an accepted suggestion as guns were made and indeed 8 guns more ordered.
Lion Class Preliminary Design 16E-38 by Tzoli on DeviantArt

The UK actually has the most classes of 16-inch ship applicable to the game as of current. (Edit: this is false, the US wins by one class.)

Germany can receive H-39.


Well I was under the impression that it won’t be here for a good while at least till the other half of this year.

Since it’s basically been taken there, how about fuel-air-bombs? They come as low a 500kg’s and could make an otherwise lack-luster CAS option, like the Su-24, interesting if it was the only plane with that ordnance.

No, the US does by a narrow margin. Britain does however beat Japan.

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Ahh shit, in my mind the US 16-inch standards fit as one ship I forget there are 2 the Colorado and the NoCal’s.

Still, as you said its not like the UK has nothing.

One Colorado class (4 ships) and one South Dakota (1920) class (6 ships), I understand the confusion though they do look very similar. Standard types after New York do look more or less the same after all.

Anyway, the main idea being everyone except for Italy and France has at least one 16-inch battleship, with some even having ships with a little bit more gun.

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Yup, its a shame the Alsace was never finalised, Italy just hasn’t got anything post-Littorio, not even a paper design from what I can see.

But that’s not something that can be helped, however that is why I think they should have complete trees now, before they can’t have anything to compete, i’d rather Scharn was swapped for something broken of Italian/French origin as at least they can have their moment of Glory before they can’t compete.

France and Italy aren’t necessarily going to be uncompetitive. Their guns and protection are still really good. The real problem is that France, Italy, Russia, and Germany will only have 3-4 ships each, all but the German ships will be of the same class.

I wondering if the IJN 16-inch gun RPM is over 2r/m? it seems OP

Can be up to 2.5 RPM depending on the year. Originally they were 1.5RPM.

Also depends on the angle of elevation.

Open ended question, do they even model angle of elevation RoF or do they just average it?

Original mounts on Nagato and Mutsu were only ~1.5. Redesigned mounts had 2.5 at lower elevations.


From German 15-inch guns, it seems they will choose the average. But most of time they will choose the fast one( like Kirov)

I think in their era’s Richelieu and Littorio will be formidable. I do think however once you par them vs something like an Iowa, G3/Lion, their advantages just start to cease to exist.

Russia I also think will get some of that Russian bias on the Sovetsky.

AFAIK only 2 of the German H-class battleships are viable which is H-39 and H-40 ordered to the same design. H-41 onwards are illegitimate designs which could be added if Gaijin loosened requirements but also I dread to think of what Soviet, British and Japanese designs could be dredged up if they went that far.

Probably not ? Atleast not for the time being where we’re likely to see twin-arm and fixed launchers.
We’re probably not close to the 20+ ready-to-fire AShM era, and the air threat that justifies the weaknesses inherent to dedicated missile armament designs doesn’t yet exist ingame.

Like this ?

They’ll happen.

We kind of are, just not player controlled ones in all probability: War-Thunder-Datamine/aces.vromfs.bin_u/gamedata/weapons/rocketguns/mgm_140_atacms.blkx at master · gszabi99/War-Thunder-Datamine · GitHub

What is that? Looks like a MiG but I can’t tell past it.

I can’t be bothered mincing my words so i’ll just say that I don’t believe as of current a tree that requires exclusive use of guided missile vessels past the level of an early cruiser is viable.

In the future or in another mode (which would be ideal), they would be very viable

But I don’t see how a Scharn vs a Guided missile cruiser is balanced. Suppose the cruiser could do any damage, then Scharn can’t counter attack because ASHM’s are over the horizon, equally if they can’t scratch them then they end up griefing destroyers or being useless.

SU-17 or SU-22

China does have some cas in those brs, the q5a is quite good, and the q5L is a decent cas if you get the lgbs, they have options for the lower brs awell, as for italy the amx is pretty much one of the best cas at the moment at that br, and the g91y and ys are also decent.
The only one that i would say that it is lacking in cas is japan

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