Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

and this


Cheers for that info m8

I cant wait for the Dutch Shilka with the Adats radarโ€ฆ
I will make that thing red, white and blue. XD

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we need procedurally generated bushes or something similar

The trick is to do it over a spce of time not in 1 go, better chance to get better drops.

Sauce :- trust me bro!

Wow Wait a minute, where di you get the Cube looking guy from ???

I need to know, i WANT IT!

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Guys, the magic pixies told me the Aim 4 falcon is coming next update
trust me guys
(I have no clue)

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Chinese exclusive

Eugh. R*ddit.


Thats what im talking about, sick of seeing pictures of actual Leeks and dripping taps lol

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Where Gnat and Hawk tho

MacArthur doesnt deserve any better lmao

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That square pendant? Itโ€™s a prize from a Chinese agency promotion, limited to 10000 units. Itโ€™s out of stock, but there should be unused activation codes for sale on second-hand platforms in China

Iโ€™d put a Revenge-Class Battlecruiser on the โ€œhighly likelyโ€ list for Britain next major update.

The activation code for second-hand platforms is priced at around 66RMB, approximately $10

Plus the new introduced nation generally gets the same copied assets, as the original sub tree variant, another way to get more copy-paste and extend the grind =(

Stop teasing us with WTM Ships thats never going to come to WT, at this rate, WTM is better than The Original, Sad Times indeed.

Wdym wasnโ€™t he a good general?

It just prooves that there prioroties are elsewhere, maybe ?

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If Russia, doesnt have a comparison it wont come, FYI