Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

Turret neck barely works nowadays it feels like. And the the LFP is also often hidden by bushes

So they are buying them to get a unfair advantage

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Yes, and?

Gaijin made a product available as a part of the game.

People purchased that product, which is a part of the game, with their money.

And now you want to take them away without compensation because “it was unfair”?

If they removed bushes WITH compensation, it’s fine by me. But, without compensation, it would be robbery.

I get that you hate bushes, but let’s keep things rational here…

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And once again, it is a free feature, you can get them for free every other battle pass.

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Stlii no BR change announcement ?

But turning tanks into driving bushes with said bushes at completely unrealistic angles is rational?

clear and undeniable evidence that russia is underperforming and needs a 360 degree 1000mm titanium shield

The AJs loadout it probably more real than the actual AJ.

The F-16(A)J variant was a Block 10 derived aircraft with Sparrow integration, additional gear door hardpoints (including the two piece gear doors akin to the YF-16) and other minor changes such as removed nuclear capabilities. This variant was never built.
The loadout, specifically the currently unavailable Sparrow loadouts and gear hardpoints were tested on a YF-16A.

That’s not the same as the AJ, but what Gaijin gave us isn’t the AJ either, but an illogical made up “what-if” that is just a basic Block 10 with the Sparrows of the ADF and removed GBU-8 for no reason at all.


You can’t have players lose items they paid REAL LIFE MONEY FOR because you consider this feature to be “unfair”.

We are not talking about cheats, hacks or exploits here- we are talking about an official, ingame FEATURE.

As I said; I get that you dislike them, and I wouldn’t mind if bushes were removed- as long as they were properly refunded.

I think the best course would be to just rework and fix bushes altogether. Make it impossible to place them floating vertically on edges and corners, flatten them, make some of them less voluminous, etc. Camouflage bushes, just like camouflage nets, are a part of armored warfare.

when gaijin puts camo nets and improvised camo on more tanks in tech trees then i’ll outright stop putting bushes on them, but right now we have no way to recreate things like this :


so Decals are p2w because there is a chance that they can distract players due to being placed at unrealistic angles?

The thing is, barely anyone recreates something like this. They just basically creates a wall of bushes at the front of their tank instead


Decals dont hide the sillouette and weakspots, do they?

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which is why i said we can’t do this in game currently

they can paint small tanks completely black, creating the illusion of destruction

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Thats already the case with bigger tanks like MBTs even, like the russian late green camo and the black nights black camoflage. And its still a lot easier to tell if they are dead or not. Just seems like you are moving the goalpost

This is why I think the solution to bushes is not to eliminate them, but to rework them;

I honestly don’t think there’s any issue with my bushes here; realistic-looking, not excessive, physically making sense,

However, I do think there’s an issue regarding excessively voluminous bushes, specially the fact that you can place them floating vertically on corners and edges.

Basically, as I posted a long time ago already;


That would definitely be preferable. And this is exactly what I am talking about, in your second image there