Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

It could be but it won’t happen. There has probably been no consideration given to such a possibility. India is here to stay in the UK tree, and Australia and Canada are resigned to having their vehicles split in to different tech trees. Unfortunately this means no Aussie or Canadian lineups, and we have to grind multiple tech trees over a couple years to get each individual vehicle. Or in the case of squadron vehicles and premiums, grind a couple years to get a foreign lineup to pair them with.

Why am I catching strays here


I am so new to the helicopter and C*S thing that there’s still things I don’t even understand or knew about at all hahahah

I kinda hate the person I am becoming by giving in to playing these disgusting creatures, but… if the enemy is going to stomp on me with them, it’s only logical that I do the same instead of handicapping myself for “moral” reasons…

So far, the only flying crap I play is German EC665 and American AV-8B+. I am still clean on the other trees, but if the new French squadron Tiger has PARS too, I’ll fall for it too.

This quote was unironically one of the funniest things to come from the new forum. I used it as a way to show Smin how the forums are extremely meme-able, and an absolute goldmine of comedy at times.

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Good That I saw it when you quoted with this one xD


Like i said earlier. The french hac is another yak 141 monster.

It never tested pars 3 that was a german tiger that was used by the french.

Besides that a heli top tier squadron i find pretty unreasonable.

NO,even su30mki or f18 just do ctrl+v you guys are unwilling to do it for uk…alway treat uk like this

Can Britain not get a flanker? I thought this was settled upon.

Luv u brit mains <3<3<3



I mean, the fact is uk pretty much doesn’t have anything really unique at top tier lol

0_0 YYYYYEEEEEEESSSSSSSSS :D Flanker Jesus has saved me!

If it is J-10B then F-2A is the logical “rival” aircraft, like MiG-29 and F-16 or Su-27 and F-15.

So I hope the leak list entry is J-11B, so Gaijin can surprise us with J-10B and F-2A in the full feature teaser they are hopefully working on.


When I get to my computer, I will see if “M1A2 SEPv3 —— US” would fit on any of the censored slots hahahah

Or Leclerc XLR, or… whatever, I just need new Top Tier MBTsssss

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2s19 msta is the only confirmed ground thing, but i like it.

holy cope

Which report?

So, will there be riddles and charades from the leek?



Any news for the upcoming spaas ?