Always room for a squadie lol
Which is why they should add SLAM (land attack version)
Honestly given the F-5A(G)-40’s ground rb BR. Its gonna be rough
Thank god I don’t play top tier ground that much
Maybe eventually we’ll see more gimmick missiles but it seems like a event exclusive every 3 years or so.
Maybe one day they will do modern and cold war navy stuff justice and it won’t be gimmick anymore
We’ve seen a lot of gimmick missiles recently with the radar guided ww2 bombs.
Eh, i dont care personally for top tier. Around 8.x is a comfort BR. Though i think either US/France 6.7 or Germany 8.0 is like the best. Sucks cause id love to play my home nations vehicle but 9.7 is just playing 10.7 every match and without a way to lock drones or destroy them with the 9035 it has killed my mood for that vehicle.
yall know where i can file a bug report i looked couldnt find it
Thats if Naval gets proper decompression lol
Just a link to a different bug report but just click on warthunder and you can write one there
Hence why I’m just playing the F-5 FCU for the moment even though it’s slow compared to other aircraft. At least the grind worth it as I’m now on the F-15J.
You’d be surprised at how well a battleship can take ASM
An Iowa class equipped with nuclear shells could go even into 60’s and 70’s missile ship BR. Gulf war refit would be like top tier
SCU at 11.3 with F-5E engine radar gunsight python 3 and HMD vs coughing baby F-5A(G) lol
FCU is even better and at the same br lol. Compression is amazing
Tbf F-5A(G) is getting its CM’s nerfed to 15 large flares only and 30 small mixed cms vs 60 medium flare or chaff
Anyone know why they haven’t added a TT A6 yet?
To make leaker angry
Well at least this event has helped me forget about the grind so there that lol, after that 2 months break from Japan
Because you need an A5 before hand : P