Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

It literally is true, god forbid we need to bring up the Dimitri’s favorite nation that pops up any time sweden is mentioned. Its a meme that was sorta true 2-3 years ago yet i haven’t seen it be true since yet the community still views it as if they are the godsend child here to destroy balance as we know it lol. Iirc it was last update people started spamming it in RnR and pinging Smin over some question when he replied about Swedish favoritism.

Edit: Swedish Kungstiger was the fuss

Wouldn’t the Swedish Apache have to get the longbow radar to use the L?

why cant my j35 cobra :(

That would be nice addition

Because clearly it wasn’t real, any of the footage of Flygvapnet pilots doing Cobras in the J35 at airshows is fake. Smh can’t believe you feel for 1960’s video editing


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There is no Swedish AH-64, it’s the UH-60 we’re talking about, and IDK, I assumed the helicopter didn’t need a radar to use them.

Sweds AHS. I will have to double check but I am fairly certain the Longbow FCS is integrated with the longbow radar.

Hopefully they make AGM-114R-4 for helicopters and with tandem or even triple HEAT warhead

And add JAGM-MR to AH-1Z and AH-64E, as well as latest gen Spike NLOS for US one since we bought those as interim missiles

Maybe even AGM-176 for V-22 and new long-range missile for AH-1Z (if you couldn’t tell, AH-1Z my favorite attack helicopter lol)

You could summarize it by just saying you only play the US lol

JAGM is being bought by UK, they use AH-64E too

Does it matter lol? I don’t think we’ll see a AH-1Z on the UK tree

They are putting JAGM on Apaches too

I mean if that doesn’t work, there’s always the Penguin missile, Sweden and Norway used it and it’s helicopter launched.

Gaijin clearly aren’t bothered by the fact that it can only target ships

Eh, see modern helicopters are so boring. I need the over the top silly ones from like the 70’s like the Cheyenne


Eh, considering it doesn’t start tracking till 2.5km it would be essentially worthless and only serve to artificially bump the BR of the vehicle up. Pretty sure Pars has like 4-5km lock range and spike i think is about the same. Idk i don’t play helicopters

I never said it would be good xD

That’s a pretty nice one

Personally, I have always thought marines have best taste in helicopters and similar things.

I am looking forward to addition of Osprey, Huey Venom, and later AH-1Z version. It’s a shame they never strapped weapons to a CH-53

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And thus it would be more damaging to add because FnF would cause the UH-60 to go up. Doesn’t matter if the missile is entirely useless it would go up because of range and FnF aspect.

Still hopping we see HKP4 with 500lb bombs or a torpedo lol

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Speaking of penguin, Seahawks use it and many country like Japan use them