Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

The F14 was amazing but it was expensive and took high maintenance and plus the price of the A-6 to do strike missions made them to much. They had to replace them with something cheaper that could do both roles. There is a reaoson the blue angels use F/A-18s and not F-14s.

Why do you think so?

Cause these two are the cities close to their German office which is in Karlsruhe.

Any one got an idea of how large the march updates usually are?

XF-2A really should of been here by now lmao…now im thinking it will be a future event plane or something

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I really hope they do not put the F-18s in the US attack jet line. They should just folder the 2 F-14s and add it after that group. Or add a Navy hornet and a Marines hornet and place them in both trees.

Most XF2A are usually higher in tech then the F-2A as they’re demonstrator vehicles tbh. At most, depending on which one, they’re end of the line Jets

The next two event vehicles are a ship and ground vehicle respectively. The namesake of one of them is a place quite close to our German office as a bit of a clue. The other is based on a vehicle we have already but with a completely different weapons system which should change how it plays entirely, keep an eye out for them over the coming months!

So, the place is in the city itself, near the office. The only suitable ship is SMS Moltke. Since there is a street “Moltkestraße” in the city, where famous government agencies are located

what if they added jester like dcs ? calls out missiles and stuff on radar so planes with two seats have a advantage plus the extra weight

For sure the F-2A ADTW previously XF-2A would get the best radar set and other experimental tech but the prototypes with the prototype radar and sparrows should of been here by now.


They’re close to the German offices of Gaijin in Karlsruhe.

Oh no, russian and chinese IFVs with the 100mm gun and super low velocity HE shell gonna eat good with this one.

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at least they haven’t get their 120mm mortar


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2024 Alpha Strike: 40 vehicles, Hungarian air
2023 Sky Guardians: 36 vehicles, French Navy CBT
2022 Wind of Change: 54 vehicles, Israel ground
2021 Ixwa Strike: 39 vehicles, South Africa ground

March updates are medium-ish, sometimes smaller, sometimes bigger. There’s also a trend towards introducing new branches or subtrees.

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Should I hold any hope for a Malaysian Hornet for Japan or continue grinding Sweden

in naval no , in ground yes

Alternatively grind America.


hmm i see maybe i should bug report

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