I don’t think the skink should’ve been added to the US.
It was a seperate Canadian development.
The F-111C however is an amalgamation of US components made and designed by a US company
I don’t think the skink should’ve been added to the US.
It was a seperate Canadian development.
The F-111C however is an amalgamation of US components made and designed by a US company
It had Have Nap but didn’t get it. Also a couple other differences between it and the F
We’re making some progress here.
Well like @KhorneFlakez1337 said above it’s about personal preference. Both are not in the best place in sim. However I would chose to fly the F if I had it because of the counter measures, this is only because the acceleration doesn’t really affect me personally as much in sim because you are already at max speed when you see enemy’s.
Also it is better at killing bases because it can also carry more chaff to mess up the gerpoards radar.
Could’ve been a 90mm proxy fuse AA truck, I think we had those at some point but maybe I’m confusing it with something else
Hello chat, what we doin?
Alternatively find a way to let gaijin admit that it isnt magic 2 or R-73 equivilant bruh
It’d be nice if the C got 9M and popeye(?) for some standoff A/G weapon.
9M is a stretch. Popeyes are more reasonable depending on variant
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They would still be much better than the 2 PSO, 2A5, and 2A6.
The Brits never used varks. They got the Australian F-111C, made designed and armed in/by the US
Fixed it lol
the 3 inch AA guns definitely had HE-VT. 90mm I haven’t really looked. No idea if either of them were on an AA chassis instead of Shermen or Pershings.
And in the same update guess what the US got, a vark of their own, why is this such a huge issue
Could’ve had varkmas with F-111C as a squadron vehicle
Wouldn’t the VT shells be limited to “manual” fuze anyways tho?
Well if america controlled what they allowed on it i’m not sure because idk how the political tension was between Australian and America at that time. If it was not perfect I doubt they would give them the newest 9M
But it didnt and its not gonna, so let it go already
Australia is the USA’s favourite attack dog; they’d give them anything if they could watch them use it on others