Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

Eh, depends on if gaijin wants to add late US C models with the upgraded engines or not. I assume they will but the bigger question is if gaijin adds MLU I or MLU II

The differences between the F-111F and 111C are bigger than the differences between the Finnish, US and possibly Swiss F/A-18C. They’ll likely just be the same aircraft copy and pasted across the 3 trees with a different camouflage, so no reason to have a split devblog really.


Usually when it’s the same aircraft for multiple trees with slight differences, they do the devblog on the big nation, like the F-15E was specifically for the US


Again depends on if they add MLU I or MLU II, if we get I then its a C model hornet that weighs less from having its ground avionics removed. Which makes it better at dealing with aircraft. Additionally gaijin will need to figure out if they are going to restrict the Finnish and Swiss Hornets to their historical loadouts or give all of them the same loadouts for Ground and air.

Can’t wait for the Devblog to hit and see all the Germany mains in shambles over the lack of a Swiss Hornet

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Again imo they should get it, but i dont think they need it right now since they just got the EFT, but considering the bugged radar on the EFT i think its pretty likely they will get it additionally if gaijin lets it have CAS functions then its even nore vital since the EFT kinda sucks rn

Just to add on to this, i do wonder if we will see an expanded Swiss tree soon

honestly that ones likely gonna happen cause of the old gajin saying you just got a top tier aircraft u dont need one this patch.
like it is custom germany gets the vehicle they didnt develop themself a patch later then everyone else.
more likely we get it in the summer patch propably. if gajins didnt completly change the plans now after they decided to add the efts earlier then hornets

Have them fix the EFT then? A Hornet couldn’t take the Typhoons place.
Also, to be completely honest with you, I don’t care that they don’t have Su-34/F-15E tier CAS, coz that sh** ruins GRB.

I don’t see why we would see an expanded Swiss tree or even a Swiss subtree

Idk, i think the F18 is unlikely to be 14.0 worthy as it stands but if its got a totally crazy flight model then maybe it might be. Idk rn it seems like a Su-27SM counterpart since it wont be comparable to EFT/F15/Rafale which im hoping means we see them go up in BR so we can decompress more.

well cold war /modern era german air is pretty much dead, swiss air would fill it up with intresting stuff and continued content

I struggle to see the problem here ngl

I think it would be better to save the F/A-18 for German and SU-30MKI for Britain for later, like you said they just got the EFT, so they don’t need it, and especially if Sweden and China get worse versions of those aircraft, it allows the US and USSR to have the spotlight again for an update at least.

Though I do hope Sweden get the MLU 2 version of the aircraft at least

Swiss F5 leak was mentioned so it seems likely, and while i domt think Germany will see a full subtree i think we will see Swiss vehicles placed in areas where Germany lacks around 9.0 and up

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Eh, again I’m skeptical of gaijin actually adding anything to their air tree unless announced and even then i fully expect a monkeys paw finger to curl and for it to be a premium lmao.

Switzerland might end up like Australia and Canada for all we know.

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f18 can pull some crazy G force in a dogfight should be able to keep with eurofighter as it has g limit overide allowing it to pull 9.4gs IRL now im not 100% certain how many eurofighter can pull but i think its in a simialr ball park 9.4gs is the f18 structcal limit irl btw

Are there even any dogfights in Top Tier anymore anyway? The few times I’ve paid a visit on my Eurofighter or F-15/16C it’s all just… well, BvR.

Rarely ever see any convergences, let alone dogfights. Everyone is just kinda dead the moment the Fox-3s are launched.

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bvr wise it performs like f15c so i dont think there will be problems

Problem is energy. The EFT flight model rn essentially allows any noob to win any dogfight with no effort. F18 would need to be crazy broken for it to realistically compete

Kinda? Well, people do engage in WVR to use their AIM-9Ms, R-73s, etc