doesnt just feel like it it is
Which contains information on what, ill give you a few minutes or would you like to phone a friend?
Yeah to yank mains and German mains want everything. Not like the UK mains asking for more and more sub trees.
cant hear you over the 2a4m can sounds cause canada is not a selectable nation in game
So basically you’re admitting you’re wrong
The F-111C, an Australian modern aircraft built in USA, was a reasonable alternative. Because it’s Australian operated, which made sense for the UK tree.
not like smin literaly stated it was added because the british F-111K isnt possible and the F-111C was chosen out of pity but sure whatever
germans asking for german vehicles yeah sure problem there
I’m an Australian main asking for Australian vehicles to stay in one tech tree. I see no UK mains asking for the world here.
Neither are finland, Switzerland, south africa, india, romania, hungary, ireland, iran and so on
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The good news is, even if you want to stand the ground the F-111C is in because it’s a replacement, then then an F-18 for the UK can be added in the same way. “A replacement” for an asked-for aircraft:
Yep, they couldn’t add the F-111K so they chose something else that UK should have gotten anyway, an Australian one.
finland, south africa , romania, hungary are all selectable countries in war thunder since they are official part of the nations sub trees.
Ireland and iran are not i agree there
Can i get a Hornet in the french tree because they were launched off Charles De Gaulle?
Bu your own logic then wouldn’t canada be too, and guess where most of the Canadian vehicles in the game are
yes a pity addition that for all matters doesnt count
are they exclusive to one tree? nup
Germans asking for Canada, Australia, Switzerland (apparently?), bruh stop asking for the world.