I really don’t think the naval F-4s should go down to 11.7, they definitely deserve 12.0 when compared to the aircraft below them. You are right tho, they should be at a lower BR than the F3 and shouldn’t be just one step below the F-16A.
Note that the F-2 also has higher wing area so it should be a trade off. F-16C would have better high speed and energy retention, but the F-2 would be able to run circles around it, especially in low speed stall fights as it’ll have a lower stall speed and ability to pull higher Gs/AoA.
In theory anyways. Gaijin models how they model and F-2 flight performance is more or less classified so Gaijin has free reign.
I do think the F-2 will be pretty competitive in WVR and competent at BVR, even if the F-15J(M) will be better at that.
Yeah, I’m aware.
I’m just thinking for general BVR as WVR dogfights don’t occur nearly as often as they do at lower BR games.
I still cant understand that thought process when the Tornado F3 exists at the same BR.
Same with the Viggen DI at 13.0 and 9Ls when the F4F ICE at the same BR has better… damn near everything
Or even the Viggen D at 12.0 which is almost better than the phantom in the important regards
Edit: I fully understand the argument of “giving X something better might affect change” but it seems like that argument tends to ignore when vehicles with similar, the same, or superior capabilities already exist at the same level or lower. If the Tornado F3 and Viggen D didnt exist at 12.0, then the argument would work but… they do exist-
j11b is perfect for currently as it balances out as a great 14.0 for china . it has the type 1493 radar which has 4 datalink channles(type 1493 also targets quick) , it has indigenous weaponry such as pl-8s,pl12s and kd-88 agm’s. it would make a great addition
Seriously nobody is asking for more UK sub trees. Canadians and Australians are asking for all our vehicles to be in one tech tree. Not our fault the UK is the one in the game that makes the most sense right now.
Defiently need a Scottish, Irish and Welsh sub-TTs for the British TT though :P
apg-63v3 at 14.0 is comical. it will dog on any plane if modeled correctly . it fits more 14.7
not our fault UK is already full with other stuff shrug
Football hooligans(Birmingham)
I am sure no T-80 is ready for this
As I explained in the post above, the aircraft is currently in a balanced position on its existing BR, which is the ideal goal of all vehicles (to not be either too low or too high in effectiveness) and has settled down on it’s current BR. So changes that would increase it’s performance (Like AIM-9L) are not being considered and equally, lowering it is also not under consideration as it’s found it’s suitable place currently.
No tech tree in the game is full, no tech tree ever will be. That is the entire business model of the game, keep adding content lmao.
in terms of subtrees it certainly is full right now
it and france have the most subtrees out of everyone and shouldnt receive anymore
Given the number of examples of identical performance aircraft being at different BRs, this holds very little faith with the community. The fact aircraft like the F-16 have been lowered to 12.3 for example, raises questions on how aircraft are “balanced”
Tornado ASSTA1, GR1, A200A being 11.7 whislt identical aircraft are 11.3 (Tornado WTD61, MFG, A200)
Phantom F4J(UK) being 12.0 Whilst the Phatnom FGR2/FG1 are 11.3 (within SB)
Phantom F4J(UK) being 12.0 in RB whilst being hopelessly outclassed by the F-4S and F-4J(US) also at 12.0
Hunter F1 and Hunter F6 [FR] being 9.0 in SB and J34 being 9.3. Despite the Hunter F6 being the notable suerpior to both the Hunter F1 and J34
J35XS being 10.3 and the inferior J35D being 10.7
B-26B and B-26C are 100% identical but are 0.3 BR apart.
AMX being 10.7 and AMX A-1A being 11.0
F-4F ICE and Tornado F3 Late are near identical in performance. the ICE is 13.0 in SB and the F3 Late is 13.3 (which might as well be 14.0)
It makes no sense and im sure the communtiy can and will bring up dozens of other examples without much effort
(Note, all of these descrepencies, save the J35, I’ve brought up in the last 2 BR change threads and few more than that and still nothing has been done)
Then stop advocating to split up Canadian vehicles in to different tech trees and start advocating for a new tech tree, maybe Canada and Australia together. Or maybe even get a little left field and advocate that Canada and Australia are added to Israel or something, since that would fix all that tech tree’s problems.
You know, just stop blaming the UK for something they aren’t doing, and stop telling the Canadians they don’t deserve a single tech tree to get all their vehicles from.
that’s if gaijin class the Benelux as 1
The thing is what is considered a “balanced state” because the Tornado (from what data is publicly available) performs twice as well as the Phantoms at its rating.
But also seem to just be relatively speaking underplayed. Now lets assume that the Phantoms indeed are fine at 12.0 and dont need improvement. This begs the question why the Tornados are 12.0 given the performance discrepancy.
Ultimately i wish we were given the chance to test this vehicle out at its current BR with 9Ls, so we can actually see if it makes a change rather than assuming it will.
Edit: the stance made sense back when these planes were 11.3s fighting 10.3s, but since then most of those former 10.3s and 10.7s it cant even encounter anymore. But what it does encounter more frequently is former 11.7 and 12.0s, and in that time frame the American Phantoms got access to an HMD but didnt see a BR change. It should at least be something that we could test? To see if the statement holds true.
A simple solution would be to give one of the 2 phantoms 9Ls (since 2 identical planes at the same BR is already odd), then if the change warrants a BR shift, then do it. Im just asking to push for a reconsideration.
i always said i dont have a problem with a standalone azec tree, just not into Uk at the current time
and until azec is not announced we will split vehicles to their developer nations that is normal
Unless its Britain…
In which case Hunter F58 ended up with Germany and HMS Royal Soveriegn with the Soviets
Even though it’s wrong. Be careful of following the masses, sometimes the M is silent.