Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

It’s why their absence is so weird. They would be very weak (at 10.7 where the FGR2 is in GRB) when compared to the Jaguar Gr1A or Buc S2Bs loadout. So shouldnt be a balancing issue. But would be a fun alternative weapon to just bombs in the FGR2 and create further diversity between the 2 phantoms

Yeah, with the gunpod, it’s really annoying there is no wing tanks.

F/A-18A (early) with AIM-9L & AIM-7 because pre Operation Prairie Fire (1986) and gulf war (1990 ~ feb 1991) era

And pre AIM-9M, AIM-7M and AGM-88A

I predict that F/A-18A late from desert storm era with AIM-9M & AIM-7M and AGM-88A like F/A-18C/D Early, BR 13.0

But F/A-18A (early) would be 12.7

Until you realise that you can’t lock helicopters most of the time and that you are completely defenseless, limited to extremely hit or miss Stingers and completely useless when there are no planes or helis around.

a man can dream

to add: after J/APG-1, J/APG-2 uses Gallium Nitride 6W T/R modules and then there’s the 2019 F-X radar so at least 3 different radar variants for the f-2


Britain’s new top tier MBT




with 6lb cannons shooting through 30000000mm of armor

You want another 2nd gen & 3rd gen fighter aircraft ?

yes kinda

YES, we NEED more of those

With Aces of Thunder it would be much easier for WW1 to be added asset wise. There would be the issue of how to balance them but I think overall they would work well. I hope we do see WW1 aircraft at some point, the interactions with my suggestions for WW1 aircraft seem to suggest that people would be interested in it.

the man the myth the legend how ya doin i voted yes on pretty much every post

Man This always makes me sad thinking how we prob wont ever see the A6, A7, A9, A10 or A10 prototypes, yet alone 20s era.

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i just want meme vehicles like f106 delta dart as im pretty sure it be a amazing dogfighter

I kinda get it, but then I don’t. I just can’t see vehicles with that kind of performance being fun to use.

I’m good, thanks for the support on each one.

looks at french Le’cone and Italian participation vehicle called a tank xD

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Yeah I think WW1 or early interwar tanks probably will never be added to the game. The ground mode is simply not suited for them. But I think this era’s aircraft have the best chance of being added.

i agree but still if they added them i play them even if there toptier