Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

We need more helis for every one but US and Russia


Why not US and Russia? We still have AH-64E and the Russians have modernized Kamovs

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India had MiG-23BNs, 23MFs and 27Ms.
Even if I enjoyed Soviet vehicles in my tea, I wouldn’t want either of those.


Do us a favor and compare the US/USSR heli trees to the other nations heli trees.

Because others have almost nothing in helis

AH-64E and Ka-52M

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Im looking forward for new top tier air, literally anything but Gripen is good, and the J11, i have no idea why the snail thinks that thing is 13.7 worthy

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I really hope we get modern G suits in aircraft like how we have different range finders. There is no reason when Im flying my jet from the 2000’s that I have a G-suit from the 2nd World War.


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I belive us Japs should get a new one.
ouer tree is still the same when it was released.



in fairness, Japan has very little in the way of proper combat Heli’s. What we have ingame is pretty much all that they have operated that are fully combat capable. The closest we dont have is their blackhawks that specifically only have 2 Hellfires as their entire weapon choice

Dont forget the slovak mig-29 with magic 2’s



And ZA mirage f1 with r-73

This looks cool but following the trend of existing premiums being at least in theory FOX3 capable, and an upgraded legacy airframe: the MiG-23-98 is the most likely candidate.

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Screw that, Atlas Cheetah for the win


make it 4 with the double rack, mayby not used by Japan but technical possible to mount so it can be added for balancing.
Then we could have the UH-2 as a faster and more nimble UH-1B ( offically not mounting any weapons (yet) besides a mine dispersal system but this one uses the same rack as the 76mm Hydra rocket pods so why not)

This Funny guy


And the OH-1 wich would only mount AA missiles but i think that could work aswell in the lower BR ranges to keep the sky clear from planes and helicopters (closesd example ingame would be the SA 342M Gazzell with only 4 Mistral missiles as loudout option)

But yeah i would really like the OH-1 and the SH-60 even when their armament is severly lacking in comparison, they could be placed at a much lower BR then other Choppers and have a unike playstile


Doesn’t mean we can’t get our helis

It does mean that the US and USSR have a very low priority when it comes to new helis being added

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Eh not true they are both the biggest cash cow nations and their players are pretty much seen at top tier, i mean i literally killed 3 F15E’s all trying to bomb bases with 1 damaging one of the guys i killed because they were going for the same base lmao you could give players the best vehicle in game and there would still be base bombers flying it

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