It kinda contradicts itself, the R-77-1 would give the R-77 a sustainer motor
So R-77-1 vs AIM-120C-5/7?
It 's an AIM-120A/B counterpart as modelled currently. Closer to that performance than the ingame one, but not better than the AMRAAM.
EDIT: Though the lack of it 's availability ingame hasn’t had an impact on the toptier RU aircraft 's statistical performance.
I mean, can you really be sure about that when the PGZ09 is also 8.3?
SEPv3 will be more than enough of an improvement over the SEPv1 that it will help US top tier. Sure it won’t be a world beater MBT like the 2A7s/122s, but it will contest them far better than the current SEPv1.
It can’t be added, it didn’t exist. They mounted missiles on the aircraft that it could not use as a proof of concept/demonstration. There was no new radar installed, no new HMD, and no new radar missiles as was proposed for the upgrade that never occurred. It was essentially something that could be considered a mockup upgrade, and as such it can’t be added to the game ever.
Not with the turret ring weak spot. Like the CR2 the M1A2 is humped unless Gaijin actually fix the model
If it ever makes it out of CDK jail that placement would be great, along with the foldering of the BO’s
I wouldn’t say it’s a C-5/7 counterpart tbh
Probably closer to the AIM-120B
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just because the last heli which was added was the Mi-8 which was in september 2023, Update 2.29 Sons of Attila? nah…
germany helicopters are low in number, we need more
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just no, Heli Spike for the win
Maybe throw a premium Tiger UHT (PT5R) in there too =D
It’s faster but falls short in every other category
The reason the F-14 didn’t get AIM-120s is because the Navy already planned to axe the F-14. They didn’t see the need to pay for the 120 adaptation when they aircrafts service life was pretty much already over.
PARS are also missing its 8km Range and its Proxy fuze
Reports for it are made and accepted