Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

I believe so in time yes, think Terminator film franchise lol

It will be Humans against AI in the End, we are doooomed!!!

Dont forget the Schwerer Waffenträger :)

EW has become quite situational due to fibre optic drones

I just don’t think it will be any fun for all involved just like how current uav drones are mainly just used for revenge

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Maybe they could spawn them in after x amount of kills like we currently have with the “Hellifre” carrying drones.

Maybe have a patch dedicated to them called “Attack of the Drones”

make it a single use 300 sp thing, considering FPV attack drones are typically one and done

Yes thats a good idea, after coming up with the name i decided to check the previous wiki for similar names and found this

found it quite interesting that you can go and filter just major updates then look at each vehicle that came in each patch.

There was a similar named update called “Drone Age” just making sure it wasn’t similar

oh ye, that’s cool

could call it “drone age 2: FPV boogaloo”

Wait til these guys starts driving around


Actualy yes like a week or 2 ago the development with requirements startet

Germany is the only one withvthe 130mm cannon

nobody plans or is intrested in the bad 140mm besides the french
they are the only ones clinging to that one

germany, italy, hungary and uk are all on the path to be able to upgrade to the 130mm

Sea Harriers and other gen 1 harriers should get their IRL 14 degrees a second STR while loaded with almost full fuel and 5 pylons.
In game they have 11.5 degrees a second…

All I want is more low and mid tier ground. I crave the shenanigans.

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Definitely further in the year as we just got the Thai air branch.

I’m more expecting Type 81 ARH and/or F-2 for the upcoming update (more the latter since we’re getting Su-30 and F-18 already, aka nations that didn’t get a top tier air toy last update).


Defo Malaysian or Indonesian F-18 for Japan next major update then :P

While Abrams X look cool. KF51 panther is Ugly af…like seriously that thing remember me of M6A2E1 … Not talk that Share the same bad chasis of the leopard 2 tanks.

Edit; EMBT-ADT 140 / LEOPARD 2 A-RC 3.0 look better IMO.

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Don’t give them ideas. F-2A is overdue



My predictions:

Update name “Hornet’s Nest”

Hornets for almost everybody, plus Su-30 and mayyybe F-2
New top tier SAMs for almost everybody (Russia and France will probably be OK if they’re left behind for one patch)
Thai ground
15-inch treaty/treaty violating battleships (Richelieu, Revenge/Warspite, Tirpitz, Littorio)