Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

I can see that, ignoring whatever top-tier junk they get just to throw a hissy fit because some other nation got a Sherman

or even worse the vehicle in question being domestic of someone else, that they have nothing to do with but think they still deserve.

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So this pops up and yet I dont get it.
DMM exclusive?

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Oh hi m8 remember that battle last night lol

hello. ah well that one was mid af, got to do nothing but only two air KOs

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Well the highlight was seeing you so there that hehe

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Wait so is the A6M5a model the Ko ?

If they buff the aam3 give it better turn radius and a its actual speed (mach 3.5) it would be pretty solid plane in a dogfight plus the aam 4 is already good in off boresight shots

2 or 3 would be a lot for them

If they fix AAM-4 it could be even better, but also very different

It would be less agile since it’s limited to 25G to conserve energy and the missile seeker has slightly less range. But it would also be a lot faster and retain datalink to the aircraft until the end using combined missile seeker and datalink inputs. All of this is reported too, so maybe we’ll see it fixed with the F-2.

Permanent AESA radar supported guidance on a missile this fast would be really powerful. Imagine having to notch the missile and the radar at the same time while it’s moving closer at Mach 4+. And all of that with AESA that I’m not sure RWRs would even pick up, meaning you’ll potentially have only the last 15km to react in the first place.

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O don’t get it too. Idk why

Isnt that most Fox-3s and its just Gaijin who decided none of them can do that for balancing reasons?

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Not sure about others, but AAM-4 (specifically through J/ARG-1) would use the combined data from the missile seeker and aircraft radar to get a more accurate predicted path for the missile. I personally haven’t seen that mentioned for other missiles, but I could be wrong.

But I have seen for others that datalink input should be regained if the missile seeker loses track (essentially having both, but always using one with higher priority)

That would make more sense than it just stop working like it does now once the missile gets too close to the target.

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AFAIK the A6M5a is just the A6M5 Kō, so it should just be the old pacific campaign Zero they removed from purchase.

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Mascots from the Japanese Air Force
Have to play ground vehicles to get em

When did the Japanese Air Force get tanks?

I need that thing to return

The A6M5 Ko currently is available for purchase (on PC at least)

Are there any plans for the su27/27sm to get foldered in the future ? like the f16a/Adf with the f16c, in the event of the addition of the su30sm.

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News from Gzsabis Datamines β†’

  • B.Kh.19 (β€œF-16A-15OCU”) [JPN]: added HMD
  • F-14A: custom loadout changes: slots 2, 7 changed: option changed: 1x AIM-9D β†’ 1x AIM-9D (stock)
  • F-111C:
    • new loadout(s): 4x 2000 lbs GBU-15(V)2/B
    • loadout changes: 4x AIM-9L β†’ 6x AIM-9L
    • custom loadout changes:
      • added slot 1 (all existing slots moved one place downwards): 1x AIM-9L (stock) option, can’t be equipped together with 1x 2000 lbs GBU-15(V)2/B on slot 2
      • slots 2, 6 changed:
        • added 1x 2000 lbs GBU-15(V)2/B option
        • option changed: 1x AIM-9L (stock) β†’ 1x AIM-9L
      • slots 3, 5 changed: added 1x 2000 lbs GBU-15(V)2/B option
      • added slot 7: 1x AIM-9L (stock) option, can’t be equipped together with 1x 2000 lbs GBU-15(V)2/B on slot 6
      • due to the new slot additions and Gaijin not fixing the loadout restrictions of previous slots, they are now broken (i.e. Pave Tack is now on slot 4 but the old weapons still require Pave Tack on slot 3)
  • B.Kh.20 (β€œJAS 39C”) [JPN], Gripen C, JAS 39A, JAS 39C, JAS 39C EBS HU, Su-9, Su-11: the wings and tail didn’t break off where they were intended to (so more or less remained), fixed
  • Atlanta (CL-51): removed from the bot vehicle roster
  • 50 mm M.K. 214A: accuracy vastly increased

BR changes:

  • Air AB:
    • PB4Y-2, Stirling B. Mk. III, P4Y-2 [CHN], PB4Y-2 [FRA]: 4.7 β†’ 4.3
    • J2M3, J2M5: 6.3 β†’ 6.7
    • Su-17M2: 11.3 β†’ 11.0
    • A-10C: 11.3 β†’ 11.7
    • Su-22M4, Su-22M4 (WTD 61), Su-22UM3K, Su-17M4, Su-22M3, Szu-22M3 [ITA]: 11.7 β†’ 11.3
    • JH-7A, Mirage 2000 C S5, Mirage 2000 D R2: 12.0 β†’ 12.3
    • F-14A ([IRN]), Tornado G.R. Mk. 4, Mirage 2000 D RMV: 12.3 β†’ 12.7
  • Air RB:
    • Fw 190 A-5/U12, Fw 190 A-5, Fw 190 A-5 [JPN]: 4.7 β†’ 4.3
    • Lancaster Mk. I, Lancaster Mk. III, Lancaster Mk. VII WU: 5.3 β†’ 5.0
    • G8N1: 6.0 β†’ 6.3
    • Il-28 [DEU], Il-28, Il-28Sh, Tu-14T, Tu-4, Il-28 [CHN], Tu-4 [CHN], Il-28 [ITA]: 8.0 β†’ 7.7
    • B-57A, B-57B-0, Canberra B.(I.) Mk. 6: 8.3 β†’ 8.0
    • FJ-4B (VMF-232): 8.7 β†’ 9.0
    • Vautour II A, Vautour II A (ISR), Vautour II B, Vautour II N (early), Vautour II A [ISR], Vautour II N (early) [ISR]: 9.0 β†’ 8.7
    • J 35A: 9.7 β†’ 9.3
    • Hunter Mk. 58A: 9.7 β†’ 10.0
    • F-105D, F-4C, J 35D: 10.3 β†’ 10.0
    • Su-17M2: 10.7 β†’ 10.0
    • MiG-21MF [DEU], MiG-21SMT, MiG-21MF [ITA], AJ 37: 10.7 β†’ 10.3
    • Su-22M4, Su-22M4 (WTD 61), Su-22UM3K, MiG-27K, MiG-27M, Su-17M4, Su-22M3, Su-25 (558-j ARZ modernisation) (β€œSu-25BM”), A-1A (β€œAMX A-1A”), Szu-22M3 [ITA]: 11.3 β†’ 11.0
    • Su-25T, Su-25TM (β€œSu-39”): 11.7 β†’ 11.3
    • Su-25SM3: 12.3 β†’ 11.7
    • Mirage 2000 C S5: 12.3 β†’ 12.7
    • F-20A, F-16A-10 Netz: 12.7 β†’ 12.3
    • F-14A ([IRN]): 12.7 β†’ 13.0
    • Tornado F. Mk. 3 (AOP): 13.3 β†’ 13.0
    • F-16D-40 Barak II: 13.7 β†’ 13.3
  • Air SB:
    • J 35A: 9.7 β†’ 9.3
    • Su-17M2: 10.7 β†’ 10.0
    • F-4C: 10.7 β†’ 10.3
    • A-1A (β€œAMX A-1A”): 11.3 β†’ 11.0
    • Su-25SM3: 12.3 β†’ 11.7
    • F-14A ([IRN]), Mirage 2000 C S5: 12.3 β†’ 12.7
  • Ground AB:
    • M15 CGMC: 2.0 β†’ 1.7
    • Staghound A.A. Mk. I: 2.3 β†’ 2.0
    • BTR-152A (ZTPU-2): 3.0 β†’ 2.7
    • T77E1 MGMC, M. 42/Ca: 3.7 β†’ 4.0
    • ZiS-43, ZSU-37: 4.0 β†’ 3.7
    • Ystervark: 4.3 β†’ 4.0
    • Ostwind, Wirbelwind: 4.7 β†’ 4.0
    • M19A1 GMC, M19A1 40AAG [JPN]: 4.7 β†’ 4.3
    • AMX 13 DCA, U SH (204GK): 4.7 β†’ 5.0
    • R3 T 20 FA-HS: 4.7 β†’ 5.7
    • M42, Crusader A.A. Mk. II, M42 40AAG, M42 [CHN]: 5.0 β†’ 4.3
    • lvkv 42: 5.0 β†’ 4.7
    • VLRA 6x6 (KAD) (β€œTPK 6.41”): 5.3 β†’ 5.7
    • BTR-ZD, 40/70 Leopard: 5.7 β†’ 6.0
    • Skink [USA], Skink [GBR]: 6.0 β†’ 5.7
    • AMX 10 P: 6.0 β†’ 6.3
    • Flak.Pz. 554 (β€œFlak.Pz. 341”), ZSL92: 6.7 β†’ 6.3
    • Kugelblitz: 7.3 β†’ 7.0
  • Ground RB:
    • Fw 190 A-5/U12, Fw 190 A-5, Fw 190 A-5 [JPN]: 4.7 β†’ 4.3
    • Lancaster Mk. I, Lancaster Mk. III, Lancaster Mk. VII WU: 5.3 β†’ 5.0
    • G8N1: 6.0 β†’ 6.3
    • Il-28 [DEU], Il-28, Il-28Sh, Tu-14T, Tu-4, Il-28 [CHN], Tu-4 [CHN], Il-28 [ITA]: 8.0 β†’ 7.7
    • B-57A, B-57B-0, Canberra B.(I.) Mk. 6: 8.3 β†’ 8.0
    • FJ-4B (VMF-232): 8.7 β†’ 9.0
    • Vautour II A, Vautour II A (ISR), Vautour II B, Vautour II N (early), Vautour II A [ISR], Vautour II N (early) [ISR]: 9.0 β†’ 8.7
    • J 35A: 9.7 β†’ 9.3
    • Hunter Mk. 58A: 9.7 β†’ 10.0
    • F-8C, Su-22UM3K, IDS-Tornado (Marineflieger), IDS-Tornado (WTD 61), Su-22M3, Szu-22M3 [ITA], A-200A (β€œItalian IDS-Tornado”), J 35D: 10.3 β†’ 10.0
    • Super Γ‰tendard: 10.3 β†’ 10.7
    • Mirage 2000 D RMV: 12.0 β†’ 12.3
    • F-16C-40 Barak II: 12.3 β†’ 12.7
    • UH-1B, UH-1D: 8.7 β†’ 8.3
    • MD 500/Orev β€œLahatut”: 8.7 β†’ 9.0
    • SA 342 M: 9.3 β†’ 9.7
    • Zgkw. 5t (37 mm) (Sd.Kfz. 6/2): 1.7 β†’ 2.3
    • CCKW 353 (M1): 2.0 β†’ 2.3
    • ZiS-43: 2.7 β†’ 3.0
    • ZiS-12 (94-KM), it.psv. m/41 (β€œL-62 ANTI II”): 3.0 β†’ 3.3
    • A.E.C. Mk. II A.A.: 3.3 β†’ 3.7
    • T77E1 MGMC: 3.7 β†’ 4.0
    • lvkv 42: 4.3 β†’ 4.7
    • ZSD63 (PG87): 5.0 β†’ 5.3
    • M48A2 GMS (β€œChaparral”) [ISR]: 10.0 β†’ 9.7
    • Leopard 2 K (T 14) (β€œPT-16/T14”): 10.3 β†’ 10.7
    • Namer (Tsrikhon): 11.0 β†’ 11.3
  • Ground SB:
    • J 35A: 9.7 β†’ 9.3
    • Super Γ‰tendard: 10.3 β†’ 10.7
    • Su-22UM3K, Su-22M3, Szu-22M3 [ITA], IDS-Tornado (Marineflieger), IDS-Tornado (WTD 61), A-200A (β€œItalian IDS-Tornado”): 10.3 β†’ 10.0
    • Mirage 2000 D RMV: 12.0 β†’ 12.3
    • F-16C-40 Barak II: 12.3 β†’ 12.7
  • Naval AB:
    • Cyclone (PC-1): 3.7 β†’ 3.3
    • Atlanta (CL-51): 5.3 β†’ 5.7
    • Poltava: 6.7 β†’ 6.3
  • Naval RB:
    • Cyclone (PC-1): 3.7 β†’ 3.3
    • Atlanta (CL-51): 5.3 β†’ 5.7
    • Poltava: 6.7 β†’ 6.3