Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

Good point. I am also looking forward to the F-2 but I wouldnt be surprised if Japan didnt get it, the nagato, or anything Japanese specifically next update. Last year it was a copyfest and Id imagine this year its the Thai ground subtree.

I’m sure the Thai ground tree is coming but I also feel like that might be the summer update since we JUST got the Thai air tree.

Also I guess another use for ASM-2s would be to use it against helicopters, but now that they fixed bombs, can just use them still.

That is possible. Id also imagine Pakistan coming after that, air stuff first.

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Not always as Hungarian ground came first and so did SA, Iirc Finland came together with both being added

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I don’t know what you mean by early WW2 era, as most of ships you mentioned comissioned at early stage of WW2. If you’re saying about battleships that were already in service at 1939, there are not much left, especially the nations I mentioned.


@Smin1080p_WT speaking off Has the dev decided to add the low tier of the Hungarian air tree yet ?

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I want them to extend naval maps and bring naval
into the missile age. That would be super fun especially for naval EC

Reading this gave me a stroke

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It doesn’t appear this report was accepted yet. It now has been.

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You have not been ignored. I have answered you personally on this previously both via PM and in topics also. Currently there is no update to provide on this report, when there is, the report itself will generally be updated with any developer comments or outcomes. Until that time, there is unfortunately no further details I can provide.

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Fixed lmao

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Since F-2A has an AESA and energy retention of an F-16C, its probly going to be more enjoyable than F-15J(M) in BVR (at least in Simulator). The capability jump is likely, besides missile count, as big as Mirage 2000-5F to Rafale C F.3R.
The AESA Radar is smth that I honestly would take over the additional ARH missiles, it makes a lot of fun to use it on Rafale, I can imagine well how it will be on the F-2A.


As we have already mentioned a few times before, yes, there are plans to further expand the Hungarian aviation tree. However when that will be and what will come are all things that would be announced via blogs or update news whenever that time comes.


Sorry, but it’s just been over a year now and you know me wanting pure sub line ups lol

Poor Smin sometimes I see him answer the same question 7 times a day.

Tbf it’s his job too, though I do drawn the line where people get kinda get emotional about things and have a 10 min rant



I’m aware the answer is not yet
but dovbleg soon?!?!
I have a dovbleg shaped hole in my heart that needs filling

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Hopefully we won’t wait for too long, Hungarian ground could use some expansion as well, at least using 3D models already introduced to the game, like regular variants of Toldi and Turan II, as well as Nimrod.


And a regular heavy tank, 44M TAS if possible 🙏


Or IS-2 at least…

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The limited CMs will probably make it a bit harder to contest in BVR if focused on, though somewhat mitigable carrying a 40/80 split flares/chaff.


Is every aircraft’s counter measures accurate? Like I feel like there would be more BOL options at least for some aircraft. So I think we should see some more BOL pods this update