Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

But didnt happen, clinging to the past does nothing

Like others said check the kf41 aus suggestion

Not an F-14D though, so the F-14D probably won’t have AMRAAM, there may be a premium tab F-14A with AMRAAM though

Germany needs a sub-tree as much as the US needs one AKA none. They have no room, any nation that could would be relegated to unavailable vehicles.

also placement rules? there are none. Gaijin has given vehicles to nations that rejected it, and never even tested it when nations in game where operator nations of the vehicle and they didn’t even get it.

But if that’s the case then we ask for a sub-tree. “but the UK is asking for the world”.

So just admit it, you hate Canada & the ANZACs, after all, you’re acting like you should be our MASTERS.

After all, we are only allowed to ask for a home after Germany gets: All our MBTs, IFVs, APCs, Jets, Props etc.

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Was quite literally a cost thing. The RAAF didn’t want to pay for F-18F/G integration. The Aim-9X literally only has cost going for it as in all other aspects it either only meets or is worse than the competition. The RAAF used ASRAAM until their F/A-18As reached end of service life.


what is the leaklist rn

Here :
“This is your Leaklist”



Germany has as many possible additions as uk and france. Only reasons geemany has more vehicles overall is because it exists longer in war thunder as a nation.
Any sub tree of france or uk could be filled with indiginous vehicles.
Thats not an excuse to bot give germany a sub tree

Well, what did you exspect when there are only fake ones currently… like hell, try again next month

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ok, thanks


This could work well for near future (skipping out lower tree stuff)

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No we only ask for the german ones aka leopards kf41 , boxers etc as long as canada and australia dont have official implemenation homes.

Because those are the implementation laws gsjin set

China can ask fot vt4 uk can ask for c2e and vickers mk7 exports but germany cant ask for geeman products oh the hypocracy

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It’s indeed a Badger IFV, the turret is extremely distinctive and the only other IFV fitted with that turret has it rear mounted, the IFV in the decal has a centrally mounted turret like the Badger.

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Everything is called a sub tree. Its when a nation gets dedicated to further add more vehicles.

Look at india it has no whole line but is a sub tree or better name sub nation.

The amount of vehicles has no relation

The F-14D was AMRAAM capable.

It wasn’t integrated fleet-wide due to politics and money. So unless you want to tell me that Gaijin simulates the American Congress budget constraints, then the F-14D is getting Aim-120 AMRAAMs.


Gotcha, when I made the initial post people were still debating its identity, and I wasn’t familiar with any of the vehicles so I wasn’t going to fully commit.

idk why im thinking this is man in the highcastle but not at the same time

Germany has been in the game just as long as Britain has, but they were one of the majors with the US and Russia, whereas Britain was a minor with Japan


That could alsi be the reason

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I’d agree to them receiving supplementary top-tier vehicles (like the SAAF gripen), not a whole subtree, though