Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

Can they finally folder them too, i really want the UHT but not willing to grind 2 identical helis for 300,000 each

Better Idea, remove 1 BO from the line, add it it next to it and add the H145M under these BO


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Yep, that would be nice. And I would like an Algérie to come with it, preferably with its 1936 AP shell.


Yeah It’s my most wanted helicopter to come to the game, I love the airbus helis and it would give a nice alternative to the UHT since it gets 8x SPIKE-ER and a similar optic and defensive suite

*MUCH Better Optic )))))))


Yes, thats Smoke on an Heli (Uses ROSY)

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Made by L3harris, right?, should be similar to the optic on the AH60 or AH6M (pre-zoom nerf)

Only said it’s similar because it trades the mast mount for better zoom and resolution

Nah fr though. My comment was the most liked air-related one there. I wanna see what they’re doing!

Tbh, in game the mast mounted optic is just an gimmick, sadly…

True, most terrain in game means its useless, the Mast optic/PARS combo doesn’t work on 70% of maps at top tier due to no cover

No thanks, but maybe as Korean tree or subtree for US (if it has to be a subtree).

For Japan, Indonesia would be nice instead.

Also Pakistan finally, it’s went too long as not subtree already and we have their best heli locked as premium. They could really use vehicles like late T-80UD and Oplot-P, so it would be nice if those were techtree and not just premium.


Yea+ while you try to get an lock with only the mast looking out its sadly not possible… because the game needs an LOS for the PARS → Target

I think Indonesia, Malaysia or singapore are good options for further ASEAN subtree for japan


Indonesian Rafale will be nice to see next year, and they share a similar Su-30MK2 to Malaysia

I miss that good zoom
Other helis before ~92x zoom
H145M ~195x zoom

And people were allready thinking Nuts with the Kamov zoom xD

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It depends. The only Hornets that would be viable ingame would be the C with the better engines, D, and E/F. A/A+/B would certainly be DOA, along with the regular C. Along with this, Gaijin seemingly can’t model planes with very good instantaneous turns and great AOA very well in instructor, and with the hornet already having massive speedbleed in real life, I can’t see it ending up well.

Oh and carrying munitions severely slows you down, so any attempt at carrying more Aim-120s than other jets is quickly going to be met with -0.1 Mach for every AMRAAM. It’s just not going to be a good plane, which is fine, it’ll do the job it does IRL, which is being a little bit involved with everything, but being good at nothing (but stall speed and arguably AOA for the time being).

You probably don’t know, but we don’t have any drag caused by armament

Yeah but with the lack of proper zoom controls it will be either looking for 2 pixels with no zoom or looking at atoms with too much zoom

You can use mousewheel to zoom or set an diffrent key to set Zoom in/out

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You can just use the scroll wheel to adjust the zoom, the more the better imho since you can sit further away in safety while having clear and resolute image of the enemies

Footage of H145M cam

Edit: Old forum comment:
The daylight camera (which WT afaik uses for magnification) has 36.3° to 1.1° FoV, which assuming the same 73.7° at 1x of the UHT/AH-64 gives ~2x to ~67x.

If you instead take the 26.7° to 0.36° FoV of the thermal imager would give a zoom of ~2.8x to ~205x (lmao)

(Very likely outdated)