Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

Isn’t the Pandur Swiss?

That would be the piranha, which was the foundation of LAV III/LAV 6 and stryker series

No, the Pandur is definitely designed by Steyr-Daimler-Puch, the Piranha is another, different vehicle.

The other IFV that people think the decal could show was the AV8 Gempita.

Looking at ground stuff (Thai sub-tree)
having Thai BTR-3E, T-84, Commando Stingray ( somewhat not copy paste) would benefit top tier.

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Im gonna cry if the UK gets a TT patria before Finland does but not surprising considering gaijin tries to forget Finland exists

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Their (upgraded) M60s are also interesting and nice to have;


Real Finland moment, you have the CT-CV already

Event only guess we can ignore any other patria

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Hopefully they would add both, Finalnd is seen as bolted on to Sweden and Sweden has a lot of great IFVs :(


Wouldn’t be the first time the UK got Nordic vehicles before they did. Guess if the boxer gets added then we can lump germany in also.

Finland isn’t seen is the better answer. Also aside from the BMP-2MD which is a worse BMP-2 at the same BR what unique ifvs has Finland offered that couldn’t have been added via Hägglunds? Thats right none. Gaijin has actively avoided actually added unique Finnish vehicles ever since it became a TT. Leo Marksman has been the most useful thing since it gave sweden a decent TD at 8.7 the T55m is a T55A with a better apfsds at the same br where 300mm thick add on armor T55’s with better engines exist. Again Finland is a joke and gaijin has actively chose to make it that way.

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can’t wait for more CAS even though no top tier spaa can barely handle it as of now even. yayyyyyyyyy…


(for anyone who doesn’t know yet, we are getting more top tier cas, as if that was totally needed…)

I forgot about the JSI, that would be really nice. I’m gonna hope it gets IRST with it too

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probably more pay to win premiums to. cant say I like the direction the devs are pushing in this game

Already answered that one a while ago.

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The sad thing is I would love both Singapore and Malaysia over there. It would give alot of diversity to a top tier that is almost 100% USA (and a random Swedish jet from Thailand).

But I would love the side things after an F-2, or at the very least an F-2 Early.

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this thing?

If that is the AV8 Gempita, then yeah, that thing