Italy can also get Romanian helicopters, which could be moved into separate line with Hungarian Hinds (as well as freeing space for Italian in-between machines, like AB204B, A109AT, A129A and AB-412).
Sweden has 2 options Dannish Fennec and the Norwegian or Swedish UH-60 given 4 hellfires. Of course people have cried and argued against it so nobody bothers making the post even if its more realistic than the AHS. (Would be easily one of the worst 10.3-10.7 helicopters but i digress)
i conceded that italian hueys are different but my point is that if helis are added to other trees theres a solid chance that the same general type of heli would come to the US and the other way around.
also, there was an M4A3 firefly that could come to US, theres a suggestion for it somewhere
@Smin1080p_WT probably not the best ping but did the devs actually straight up just forget the J35D exists? The J35XS was pushed to 10.3 in sim battles, you know, it has CM’s and irst with 2 more missiles. But the J35D with 4 missiles and no CM’s is 10.7 in Sim, i cant help but feel it was either completely overlooked or that J35D players must be playing Ace combat in sim battles to somehow keep a higher BR than the blatantly better vehicle.
Guess the flareless Draken is still the most scary vehicle in Sim despite not a single person touching the J35D in years lol.
That but also what is a non premium swedish aircraft. Honestly suprised they even changed the J35D RB battle rating considering how often they forget the swedish air tree exists and the XS and F21 aren’t the only vehicles.
Its not even the only Swedish aircraft being screwed over by Gaijins SIm BR choices
Hunter F1 with no AAMs = 9.0
Hunter F1 with 2x Aim-9B (J34) = 9.3
Hunter F6 with 2x Aim-9B (France) = 9.0
Hunter F6 has a better engine and a different wing design meaning it turns better. Also has drop tanks so can dump those and have minimum fuel in a dogfight
So they somehow managed to screw both Britain and Sweden with that.
Oh definitely not juat a swedish thing but considering its one of if not the worst air tree in the game its pretty funny. Theres a reason the only pwople who come to the tree are noobs because they watch old vids of the XS buy it and then tank its performance. All while all other vehicles are only played by masochists and mentally unstable individuals. I haven’t had the urgw to play sweden air in months, i do play it to try the BR changes every now and again but id rather stick to literally any other nations air tree since at least the majority of their tree isn’t garbage.
This air event seemed cool at first but honestly i thi k the new vehicle will be meh, but we’ll see. Just been playing the IRIAF since i just need to climb and press 1 button to kill 4 efts and the snail itself (tragically caught in the prox fuze of a Fakour 90). Since im down to one hand its the best vehicle i have lol. Did try the Su 24 but eh im just not feeling like grinding with only the gun and R60’s (base bombing is meh and add on weight that slows me down from just ysing the gun.) Also would probably be playing my sea venom but in need a way to control my roll and fly all with one hand lmao. Ill figure it out eventually
As soon as you leave WW2 sane BRs go down the drain(the WW2 as been sent experiencing that too here lately)
Like what I was recommended to grind Italy, isn’t all that great. A gun only “turn-fighter” in a BR where late models of early missiles show up(you can’t doge them anymore), to make matters worse the plane blacks out and locks up as soon as you pull 1-G.
Hunters are a relic of a bygon age when they were actually good. Compression has just made them so much worse. Same boat with the Vampires, though the Italian/Swedish/Finnish all have the Goblin 3 engine so 1285 thrust vs 1410 thrust. Decent difference but not like the nearly 600kg thrust on thr hunter F6 on France. Again we need more BR’s snail
Hopefully they will give it 6 fakour and R-73 as well as RIO that actually does something for F-14 and F-4 and any twin seater that has a 2nd seat for a2a purposes to compensate for BR change
Oh i know about it. I test flew with my friend in his EFT and then him in IRIAF and me in modt other nations aircraft and they seem to be like 7/10 times you just dont get pinged