Not me but I have seen it thrown out there as it was trialled which makes it a fair candidate for the UK by WT standards. I do think the M1A1 AIM ought to be in the UK tree just to keep Australian vehicles in one tree, a nation split into multiple trees is a bad fate for a nation
oh yeah, there is also US vs UK beaches, and it is NOT close
We got some greenery in the mountains but we’re sort of an alpine desert. Pines and junipers are far more common than trees that turn orange.
Thats true the us is beautiful
dont get me wrong id be all for USMC AIM but it would be max BR, they made it australian instead of US for a reason
also UK has CR2 and CR3 coming (im all for it getting fixed)
But gents back on topic
war thunder
we need the falcons because theyre like super really cool
they add more early cold war aircraft which are just cool in the first place, they also give new abilities to aircraft already in the game
If you are interested in the falcons
i think theyd be an amazing addition to the game and really we need to all keep mentioning it to the dev team so they will one day add it
Clearly youve never swam in the clyde 😫
i love the spots where its barren desert and then green mountain
Well youd love colorado and new mexico then.
we need AIM-26A and rest of century series, the US is by far the most neglected nation in cold war aircraft
I dont know about the A but the B for sure
no, the A
Yes it pretty much goes F100 F4 F15 and leaves out the fun stuff
no F-101, 102, or 106 (muh fast)
but my poor buccaneer getting evaporated by a nuclear warhead :(
Yes they left out all that stuff
Well the australians only adopted the abrams after being granted independence from the British empire so I do get why its in the US tree in that sense (American mains would go ballistic at an abrams being in the redcoat tree anyway) myself and people from the affected countries just arent a fan of being split apart.
they arent getting fixed lmao. there will be a little change which realistically does nothing and that’s all
which is why we must demand it
if theres no demand then there is no reason to add it
we must make our voices known and our demands strong
who cares, itll look really cool for the person firing
Ill trade it for the saudi eurofighter lol