Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

Well any sub tree except the SA one is designed to hide the fact that Gaijin does not care / try enough to model indigenous vehicles of a tree or accurately balance them.

Lack of domestic J35 variants >> MiG-21 Bis >> copied “Finnish” aircraft

Multiple armor inaccuracies on Ariete ignored >> “Hungarian” leopard

Tens of local vehicles ignored >>> “Dutch” leopards.

And still I don’t know why there exist “Hungarian” aircraft, “Belgian” aircraft and “Finnish” ground vehicle sub trees.

A bonus side note, multiple Rank V & VI Japanese aircraft were ignored and there was a guy listing all possible aircraft that got traded for a mid F-84 reskin


I mean, why would they carry weapons outside of the bays anyways? Might as well fly F-15s if you are gonna wreck the radar stealth aspect like that

I mean, even if the armor inaccuracies of the Ariete were fixed to optimistic levels, it would still be far from good.

Hull would still be <300mm KE on the small composite strip, <100mm thick on the huge glacis and the turrets would only be able to withstand 3BM42 or 3BM60 with WAR kit at most.

The Hungarian Leopard 2A7HU is the best that could have happened to that tree. I don’t know why you put “Hungarian” in quotation marks either, it’s an actual Hungarian service vehicle.

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however ,South African Sub tree and india Sub tree the uk has is the most unpowerful Sub tree s(i mean they just provide uk tree with ground vehicls lower than BR11.0

unlike the other sub trees ,no top ground vehicls is added in South African Sub tree and india Sub tree

and what’s more,It has become a consensus among us players that the performance of the top British ground vehicles (challengers is not fit for the current situation)is among the worst.

so i want to ask you,Do you have plans to make changes by joining South African Sub tree or india Sub tree 's higher br ground vehicles?

thanks a lot.

I guess we can just completely ignore the South African Gripen that was Britain’s main saving grace as a top tier fighter for some time. Sure ))


@efetenekeci So because Gaijin loves domestic vehicles they hate them? Your post is wild.
Your post is just spreading hate against France, Sweden, and Italy. They got over a dozen new unique vehicles last year, and except for Hungary, the other two subtrees are half unique.

Then you hate on Japan in your last sentence.
Zero Japanese aircraft are getting ignored; development is not instant. Development takes time, especially for the obscure for War Thunder aircraft Kawasaki P-1, one of only 2 ~8.0 jets Japan can get from Japan.

Oh, and you know who complained about J35s? Players. We all complained about J35s being added without flares, and Gaijin listened to that feedback.
Gaijin also listened when we complained about J37s without flares which is why we’ll never get JA37A/B.

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Most of ZAs vehicles are very competitive at their BRs. A subtree doesn’t have to provide ultra competitive vehicles in top tier to be worth adding

No, it is not. We’re supposed to load four under the wings for long-range attack missions, long-range travel where attacks are expected, etc… but I’m having trouble finding any documentation that clearly states that they can’t be launched or that they can be launched.

Since the external fuel tanks already compromise stealth, perhaps they’ve opted to increase firepower to enhance self-defense capabilities instead.

An unsourced powerpoint slide is not evidence. No this is not a challenge to post anything rule-violating.

Did you really understood the post as a hate against Italy, France or Japan?

Where is the unique Italian tank or aircraft for example. Well, Eurofighter is a thing but only one.

Or there is not only one option for Japanese rank V. Found the post Announcing the Removal of the R2Y2 from Research - #102 by Grzegames

sorry i have changed my question, i mean the ground vehicls …

because In my understanding, it is difficult to improve the weak state of British land vehicles by using domestic British vehicles.

The only thing difficult about making Britains top tier tanks competitive is Gaijins unwillingness to fix the plethora of things that are wrong with the Challengers

unconsider these with no ground vehicls added sub trees

after all ,uk almost give up tanks a few years ago


F-22 Raptor info. Published by the USAF, public domain.

The source is the US Air Force website. Well, the link that was in the Wiki is broken. Or should I bring the one from the US Congressional F-22 Study?

404 page not found

i mean the sub tree like Thailand sub trees

Thailand was only just added as an air subtree, they are gonna supply ground vehicles to Japan at some point in the future