Storm Warning - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

According to Yoyolast’s suggestion, whom is quite an expert with Israeli stuff, it has the “implemented” tag. Gderot is it’s true name.

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Py 4 is likely if PL8Bs are coming

You just made world of warships Vets have PTSD

It’s not uncommon for them to add new more advanced missiles to older airframes first to test balance and it’s often event vehicles, so an event Kfir is the perfect testbed for Python 4

no i just scratched all this from bottom in Imgur site

i confused it with this one

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If having no news is giving anxiety might want to have that checked out

Eh it’s understandable to mix them up, as Kfir naming is quite complicated sometimes

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curses you to 500 games in the Faiery Gannett when it gets added

Likely Blk 2 as Blk 9 is limited to PL-10 only for its IR missiles, which is too advanced.

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Kfir C.1 (Early) armament like Kfir Canard but no short canard & countermeasures, and engine (General Electric J79-J1E) worse than Kfir Canard

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Since the F-5T SCU seems to be planned for this update, it 's likely that Py4 will be introduced to the game regardless of the event Kfir:

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I have given up hope for today - see you tomorrow Mr. Devblog

I need the thicc Wyvern

They better not leave Israel out of the Python 4 additions, there will be hell to pay from all 3 of the people who actually play Israel


Man I am overly hyped for whenever that gets added.

left that message for you specifically hehehe

Be glad I wasn’t round much in R&R for the NightHawks drop


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The Kfir Canard is an upgraded C.1 with a better engine, intakes, canards (hence the name), and countermeasures.

isnt the python 4 like 70Gs with stinger irccm?