Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

isnt it largely identical to a US legacy hornet?

So we can say it’s better then ?

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well and the fact that r-darters are on the worse end of the active radar missiles

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For the Grips ?

well the british one has r-darters which are copys stat wise of derby’s and they are worse than the other fox 3’s

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As and no.

80’s it just C&P.

but IMP I and latter are unique but the US has an equivalent for the most part.

But the two the can come to the game right now, CF-188 and CF-188 IMP I, the US doesn’t need.

Thank you again m8.

@Godvana See that all I’ve needed so if Germany got the F/A-18 then Britain would need an aircraft to keep up lol

The hornet and gripen are not equal. one will probably be a missile bus knowing gaijin, but 10 aim120s is 10 aim120 so that’s more than good enough. And the other doesn’t have enough missiles to be competitive. And they are also not exactly the best ones out there, at least for the SA gripen. I’m not saying that the gripen is horrible and unplayable, but the hornet is 100 percent better for the current meta.

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Indian MiG-29 then :)

i belive the main problem with the r-darters is that they over loft and loose to much energy climbing

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reading through the upgrades for imp 1, its the same stuff the US got on its hornets if not less

If an Indian Mig-29 is good enough for Britain then it should be good enough for Germany too

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na Tejas Mk-1A would be more intresting

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Indian and German MiG are different models

but but but Britain got the Tornado : (

Stats please

so same weapons as the smt but with a better radar and slightly better engines


Gaijin usually releases more than two graphic/visual effect features/updates at a time, so I wonder what they may (hopefully) be planning to bring along with Ray Tracing, apart from the neat plane vapor thing…

I mean, I know the point of War Thunder’s graphics being actively held back is to allow the game to run on a pregnancy test, but it would be cool for the rest of us to have some nice graphics updates! Ideally even a new engine iteration.


So obviously be out classed when the US and Germany got the F/A-18 then : P

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well raytracing can vary massively on how intensive it is