Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

This is very true

Specially when there is no ships at that BRs.

Wonder if we gonna have a push for more modernized ships ingame at higher BR than WW2 BBs (but wich could not meet them).

Anyway… Second dovbleg today ?

I have no idea how they’ll balance them, but yeah that is one solution. But there is always AI naval targets, god knows why they were removed from ARB but they are still plentiful in Air Sim

Naval BRs could be seperated like ground is

The only F-16 prem I can see is F-16/79 with AIM-9P-4s right now

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Only thing outta sight on a Rafale should be it’s radar signature.


That would work. Or go lower. Dutch operated Block 1’s with 4x AIM-9P’s (not P-4’s).

Im expecting they will be in the teaser both being shot down by whatever the USSR is getting



Warspite is going to be quite good.

Big guns, great shells (ahistorically nerfed dispersion that I am working on).

2nd best armour and great ammunition layout (comes after Scharnhorst), very capable AA.

Radar guidance and search radars, decent anti-torpedo protection.

Very nice secondaries with quick firing 4.5" for Patrol Boats, Heavy AA and destroyers like on Renown and higher calibre 6" guns for dealing with destroyers.

Warspite herself took numerous 15" shells and was for some time focussed by the entire German Fleet during Jutland and still managed to make it back to port in fighting condition though she definitely needed repairs.


Yeah so as i said, a cool ship.

Another mouth for the food ship we have xD

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So… will be one shot by basically any light cruiser in game knowing Gaijin modeling :D

If Hood is anything to go by, she will be able to slug it out so long as her opponents aren’t more than 11km away.

Yeah, that is the hope.

Getting each nation a sam destroyer and/or cruiser should be a priority for now. They can work on current BRs.

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I do hope French coastal gonnna start with something similar and some missile yeeter, and not start like bluewater decades behind others nations, and take years to reach the current point when other still have better in the same time

This photo alone is why I love USS Tennesse and still is One of the best photo ever taken.


I have high hopes for high rank french coastals. Automatic 57, 100mm cannons, bofors asw rockets, missiles - there are plenty of fun designs that can be added

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Hello internet explorer :)