Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

Well, I am.

I support the Germans getting the Hornet, but not the Germans getting the Hornet exclusively

The US designed and built the machines, it would be stupid for them not to get it first or at the very least at the same time.


Only talking about it coming to Germany doesn’t automatically deny it being added to the other nations in this update too.

Especially with the warning that it might not even come this update.


You’re forgetting most war thunder players can’t read I mean look how many manuals got posted XD


Yeah and that does not proof that it will happen again. Hell there are more examples of the contrary as of lately. F-16A, F-15A, F-16C/D, F-15C, Su-27/J-11…

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F5A in China, AV-8B Plus in Italy, TOR M1 etc.

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Or how many times it’s still being argued about the A2G armament of the Swiss Hornets


I don’t support how these were handled


What version of the eft would you like to be added first?

No doubt gaijin will make up some fake loadout for it to be competitive and useful : )

But yea as I say “never expect the expected with gaijin keep an open mind at all times and you’ll be fine.”

He may not have had A2G, but the ability to use it has not been removed. He has an AN/ASQ-228 ATFLIR container

And the weapons in the game (Balance value)

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Then I’m sure the dutiful players of war thunder are going to post bug reports on the weapons and it’s all gonna be fixed in an instant ;)

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I am not starting that discussion for the 5th in as many days.


2 examples of this happening compared to 2-3x the amount of examples of the opposite happening. You can taunt and celebrate all you want when the 18C is even confirmed to be coming and when it’s confirmed that the other nations won’t get it.


Ya know, as a temporary fleet defense fighter before the Rafale was ready the French tested an F-18 so mayyyyyybeeee we could sneak that in there too /S

Had to put the extra strong S bc some people really don’t look for that

Plus even if it is the other update is only like a month away right ?

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Except that the Swiss Hornet was used exclusively for air policing and defense

F16 ADF situation imo

It’ll still be good in air battles anyways

And for all the talk of delays and which nation will get what.
Going by how gaijin has done things for the last few updates.
It’s likely the teaser will drop in Thursday and the dev stream on Friday. So that’s only 5/6 days left until all of us will know exactly what will happen. So let’s all collectively calm down and have a few days patience.


To be fair, the USSR should have absolutely gotten this, but Gaijin decided they “needed” the Pantsir.