Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

Update 2.39 to much top tier

like can we talk about the shear lack of low to medium tier stuff appart from FR costal , T1E1(90) and KV-1 1942 x2

Speaking of Sub trees, should Germany get a Swiss Sub Tree?

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By the leaks it’s getting one

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It’s gonna get a sub one day

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and that day is pretty soon :D


Yea I mean Germany was bound to get a Swiss sub ever since the Hunter was added.


I would actually say not only Switzerland, but also Austria aka Germany → DACH
D= Deutschland/Germany
A= Östereich/Austria
Ch= Schweiz/Switzerland

because if you think about it, we have an Austrian vehicle, the SK-105, which is in the French tree, BUT remember when it was first added in the dev stream? right, he was for Germany, but France asked so much that he ended up in France, while Germany got the Argentinian SK, which wasn’t really planned at that time


Should they get one? No

Are they getting one? Unfortunately yes.

Welp, say goodbye to 99.9% of swiss stuff that won’t come to the game due to Germany being a 5 lined major nation.


Pee pee poo poo

Switzerland now, Austria in 2 years (Ulannnnn)

Random proposal for only air I made up off the top of my head in 5 minutes (just ignore it lmao I was bored it needs a ton more effort and is only top tier -USA but they can sit this one out)

Update name: Delta Force




Eurofighter tranche whatever is balanced (srry idk much abt the typhoon)

Soviet Union



Eurofighter tranche whatever is balanced (srry idk much abt the typhoon)


Thai sub tree with gripen and everything else yadayadayada




Eurofighter tranche whatever is balanced (srry idk much abt the typhoon)


Rafale M/C F1 (or F2 cuz French bias lmao /s)


Some random foldered Gripen for shits and giggles


Lavi/Kfir C.10 (idk if that variant is too advanced I’m not into Israeli aviation sorry)

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How about a total curve-ball update and its like

2.39, Battle for the Atlantic

and it adds subs :D

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The only way to rework tech trees and make them future proof as balance frendly is to split them in mini trees.

As example. You start with the WW2 german tree and play untill rank 4. Untill you have unlockt rank 4 tanks, rank 4 planes you cant progress fruther to rank 5 but here is teh caviat.
You split West german and east german units in two sperate mnini trees.

Like with helicopters where you have to unlock rank 5 air and land units you would have to unlock rank 4 units to progress futher in one tree.

The poin is to

  1. clean up and make balancing and match making easyer.
  2. Open up possibilöitys for new nations that had limited to no units in ww2 but became a thing after.
    Example: Poland. It has no point in its elf to be anation tree as it has no indiginius designs and was a sub of soviet union and sub in wester nations. After WW2 it became a nation on its own.
    So players would have to unlock rank 4 in soviet ground and or in british air and ground.
    Then a new path a mini nation would open poland in it self after ww2.
    This way nations like china or korea or any other nation that is split up or becaome a thing later would be made possible to represented in WT.
    This would open up much more paths for the MM in RB and Sim to create matches, it would open up much more possible new vehciles it would prevent the devs to ether copy and paste WW2 units that already exist, it would make teh grind easyer for new players and old players as they would not need to regrind all tir´s again with same vehciles.

Trees would be much cleaner.

you mean the baby f-16?


by that logic germany gets south africa as sub. TH800.

Minor problem. Poland has domestic interwar vehicles like the TKS so they aren’t a post-WW2 nation.

I fixed it for you.

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I’m not reading that but as already stated they don’t need to rework it to add tt stuff from subs.

There a many nice little holes where the F-5E, F/A-18 and the P-16 will fit in nicely.

It’s like an F-16 but they put the wings in a different place, made them bigger, and strapped some mini wings in it and called it a different plane lmao

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By that logic why not COPE ?