Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

not with an ASEA radar they wont lol, but would be funny to see the dynamic of top tier completely flipped on its head where all the nations stuck with BVR trucks now have the super agile aircraft

Dont forget the South African and Australian Mirages :D


Mirage IIIs for everyone


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Im on the fence how good AESA will actually be. And thats not including Gaijin modeling of it.

I think AESA is a bit… over-hyped. Good, and likely better than quite a few US radar systems in game, but I dont think it will actually be that great of a leap over stuff like Foxhunter we’ve already got.

Until we see it, say on something like the F-2 (which I think will be this year). Im reserving judgement on how good it will actually be


yeah I would favour that aswell because the lines would still have meaning more or less.

I thought the subtree would be ASEAN rather than SEA, Korea wouldn’t be part of that

well we can see how good it is, the Pansir has an ASEA Radar, its also not just that its the fact ASEA radars on planes normally can track and launch at multiple targets (think TWS on the F14 when it first came out but you can fire at everything you can see)

youll be done with the Bingo before the first blog hits

AESA is not something that will fundementally change WT gameplay, since most of the time ASEAs are able to track much more than 16 targets at once. TBF, even in real life, its not that big of a leap unless they are being used in large numbers. If you can pick them up randomly in a war-scarred town in Northeastern Russia, there might be something worth a rethinking.

On the Pantsir? Do you mean PESA?

The dollar store AESA

Can already do that on stuff like the FA2 and F3. Scored a triple kill in the FA2 the other day in Sim and thats without any HUD symbology and just guessing where they were in relation to the aircraft.

Its tricky to know what impact it will actually have on balancing these aircraft

oh I thought it was AESA I forgot russia leaned way more into PESA radars then the west

oh fair

Let France keep their Mirages. We can just take the Atlas Cheetah.

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But yes, I agree with your point.

Pantsir’s radar is very strong, and AESA will be better still

No no, British law dictates we must annoy the french :P

Type-21 Frigate with EXOCETs ?

i mean why would that annoy them, I get it french missile but we used it a lot lol

Not if we got it first and them not at all (like the MILAN on the Warrior :P )

didnt the Milan come on the Marder first?

I have no idea, though I dont think they have anything MILAN