Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

Also anyone have the full leak list.

A lot. F18 for usa vs swiss. British Hind.

well i guess in that way yes , but dont exclude other nation’s

F-18’s wont come to the game anytime soon (i hope).

And whats the “British Hind”?

Is it like a British Hindenburg or something?


Oh wait… is it like the Russian helicopter?

Hear me out:
What if JAS 39NG?

The ng is the erly name for the Gripen E if i recall corectly


…meaning they could be any nation.


Nah, the NG is the demonstrator followup, it’s not quite the E

Its the Gripen C with many of the E’s equipment. The problem is by the time we get it nobody will want to fly that chassis when the E has the better engine and those upgrades so itd be best to skip it.

i see, thought it was related

Gzabi, i love that you keep this a secret.
Watching people mentally struggle to find something out, despite knowing the answer is one of my favorite.


Guys, britain got the Wessex two updates ago, you can stop trying to find another russian vehicle to add to the british tree

This is some true mindgame stuff. XD

Do we know if he is on forms?
Because if he is he is laughing his ass of rn

He was only 2 hours ago in this very thread.

12 min ago

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i know he is.

He is always watching… Always!!!

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sadly, but it is still a good jet

I want him to tell me i’m wrong for hoping for a f18 usa or im going to die on the hill the us should get it.