Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

India is the one former commonwealth nation that definitely could have had its own tree, now its gonna pollute the british tree with russian tech.

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I didn’t start playing Britain just to have Russian equipment jfc.
Why tf bother adding India at this point.
It’s just Finland but worse and more Russian equipment.


Why would Gszabi purposely blank out a nation ?, Unless we are not meant to see it yet

Eh, just means we can have all 3 Eurocanards

that’s what i belive , it’s the case for both ground and air , but considering are best shot RN for heli is the UK , idk

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They hella arent adding the indian rafale, they will give us the su30mki and the mig29k and then act like britain is done

They will eventually, Britain must consume all air vehicles possible lol

Gib me my elephant copter and india will be the best addition ever

Nah, that heli would be too much effort, cant have shit around here

It’s easier for Gaijin to add a Russian jet and add on a single missile that was made exclusively for India.
It’s just an example but it still gets my point across.

Mostly to fill out the British tech-tree with there stuff and (what I think) to have representations for India in the game. Even though most of the vehicles we got that represent India so far are either a slightly downgraded version of the original (Example the T-90S) or the other away around (Jaguar IS).
Though I could be wrong with that statement.

I would’ve moved the UK ship (not the Queen Elizabeth (00) btw) to the bottom with hidden nation as well but forgot to, whatever.

No, none of them are a new nation.


Hey im still m hoping finland gets their unique finnish modifications for russian vehicles like the T55 Mexas, T55 155mm, and the T72M1T



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I just checked, but the only 2 nations in-game that don’t have anything Russian are the US and Japan.

FCAS in its early phases had interesting lines imo



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Britain and SA were more than enough for one tree, there are boatloads of content left to be added.

India just pollutes the tree with stuff that doesn’t belong there, their stuff could have been used like Canadas and Australias, so the Russian stuff would go to the most appropriate nation: the USSR.
And on top of that, they could definitely have gotten their own tree instead.


Could be Finland, with the Gnat on britain. Both nations are a user of the Gnat.



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Well, you say that,



Technically this is Russian

Edit: Apparently it’s actually Chinese



Wasn’t there for a long time in the files a Japanese captured Yak-1 and was forgotten by the developers?