Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

I play mostly sim and could go for some casual eurobombtruck simulator while hunting zombers or doing headons with people thinking they’ll survive long enough for a turnfight.

Great during an event and quite relaxing if you have a particular appreciation for the airframe you’re flying.
I suppose no IFF isn’t so bad since the RWR revamp will tell you if it’s an enemy and you’d only go against enemies in headons or intercept zombers where you don’t need iff to tell you they are foes…

My experience with sim is rather limited, but I found the British Buccaneers to be much better for that kind of gameplay.

About the lack of IFF, the strike tornados having access to more than a short ranged ACM is news to me. (Marineflieger being an exception, but that radar only shows ships anyways)

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Don’t have those. Have plenty of other stuff to do it with but the “if you have a particular appreciation for the airframe you’re flying.” plays a large role for me.
If I like an aircraft I’ll do any play style in it and still enjoy it as long as it’s sim.

I’m too far TT wise from any Tornado since I don’t really play the countries that operate them so this would give a nice eurobombtruck experience. Too bad we don’t get the same discounts as PC

I mean, there are the JH-7 and F-111 if you have those. They may not be European, but they are still bombtrucks


I hope we are going to see some news today.

No dovbleg this week confirmed.

Perhaps next one.


don’t have it, premium one coming wouldn’t wanna pay full price for.

boring to fly.

I got plenty of other stuff that does it, or more fun stuff, just salty PC gets another discount and consoles don’t…

Most are fitted for but not with countermeasures.

If Gaijin gave us one of the few aircraft that aren’t able to mount countermeasures whilst mounting decent weapons then that’s a deliberate action as you have to literally go and search for them.

It would be wise not to forget that the Hawk does not have particularly impressive flight performance, unlike its predecessor the Gnat I’d struggle to see it higher than 8.7 so long as it got AIM-9B.

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Just let me have a goshdarn Hawk, I don’t care if it would end up being bad, I just wanna be able to fly it

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Theres a few variants with good radar and missile. Hawk 200 in particular has 20mms, F-16 Radar, 200 CM’s, Skyflash and AIM-9.

Would be a cool aircraft to have but hopefully not at the same dumb br as the FGR Phantoms which are already worse than everything else at their br, perhaps 11.3.

But mostly I’d like the Gnat or Superswift.

How about a coupl ww1 aircraft. I know they are slow and all. But just to commemorate it. Maybe a Fokker dr 1 and a Sopwith camel


that’d be awesome. Gotha bomber!


Can we confirm that the A-6E SWIP is the odd one out and will not come in the next update? Even if it did, would it be another premium?

Very excited! Should be soon then! (expecting devblogs max 14 days from now.)


Odd one out? it’s in every leaklist.
No joke, last 7 lists that guy posted (that are like 90% accurate) it appears in 6 of them.
doubt it would be premium, if coming at all.

Just realised that being in every leaklist when the others aren’t does indeed mean it’s the “odd one out”

When is Devblog next week?

We don’t know but probably after the event


BTW, why do we have an IJN camouflage for the German He 112 V-5, but not a He 112 V-5 for the Japanese tech tree?


dunno probably why in the files we have an RAF camo for the Bf109 but no BF109 in the UK tree


No but the camo is actually ingame on that vehicle