Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

Swizerland has enough vehicles to be a whole tech tree, similair to the size of the swedish on.
And it could get austrian sub tree

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yes BeNeLux was passed for consideration

This would have been a valid point up until Gzsabi’s leaks. All things point to the addition of Swiss aircraft.


again thats just speculation

Gzabi multiple times said, when we were fighting over german sub trees, that Switzerland is not whats coming and that he knows of a different nation

Thai subtree has even been denied…

…in favor of a combined SEA subtree that is likely to come this year.


You sure?

you’re mistaking it for the F-13, that one only ever had R3S

I stand corrected in that case.

the GROUND tree isn’t passed no

you’ll find the Air tree in the Implemented section

The armour makes me happy I’ve got to say. Maybe closer to Mississipi if you include the turtleback?

And the shells of course should be way better than Bayern and better than Hood.

I don’t see “BeNeLux aviation” suggestion in there. Are you sure you’re not confusing it with individual Belgian/Dutch aircraft suggestions which do appear in there?

thats just wrong lmao, it was Update Raining fire - [Development] SARH Air-to-Air Missiles - News - War Thunder

fair enough my mistake apparently was also added in the update raining fire

which wasnt fair and I wont deny that.

The R60 came out in updaete 1.85 supersonic R-60 - War Thunder Wiki which several patches before the Mig21 MF came out.

With 10% of their EFT fleet in working condition ?

No? Sparrows were added in 1.95. Do note that I have never commented there on whether they were FGR.2s Sparrows :)

Strange part is the leak about ground BeNeLux was there before the air

Another one off the bingo list ))


this isnt the FGR2s Sparrows that is literally the Devblog for SARH missiles I would love to see the change log for 1.95 that has the sparrows then.

It’s always over the dumbest things too.

You sure you wanna go down this road?


Meanwhile the EFT:

The Luftwaffe and its industry partners | ILA Berlin

Never fails.

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From a post on the Datamine discord by the esteemed Orange 4 days ago.


Germany: ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
…F / A - 1 8 C H O R N E T

From Gzsabi’s datamines:



1.) █-██ [███]
F- 5E [CHE]
2.) ███-███ [███]
F/A - 18C [CHE]

From a post on possible subtrees for Germany 2 weeks ago (everything but Switzerland was explicitly denied):


I’ll grant you that nothing has been made crystal clear, however when you have so many things pointing in the same direction its a bit hard to deny outright.


Everyone when Gszabi speaks:


There is no “Implement” BeNeLux (Air) Sub-TT suggestion as there is (was) no such.

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