Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

God damnit, why are people asking for russian stuff in the british tech tree?

Since Gaijin responded for India to be GB’s subtree :-P
Not really a new thing, has been requested before Gaijin said India to be GB’s Subtree.

The question should be why isn’t gaijin adding unique indian stuff first like the arjun or the Hf-24 (made by kurt tank btw.)

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Hell half the finnish vehicles are missing their correct camos, i get thats its not that big a deal but it is for me. Especially the Vidar, its literally a Moukari, they couldve tried giving it two Norwegian camos but its just uses the finnish camos. The L 62 anti II doesn’t even use finnish camos just swedish.

I want that HAL Marut, but I would have been happier to get it in an Indian tech tree, considering how much potential India has

and this is the exact reason I didnt want india and instead Canada or Australia, damn shame we are having eastern tech forced onto our nation


Inb4 the next swedish heli isnt even swedish



This is such a bad idea but i want

That is the HF-24. Finished by NovA29. So probably a premium soon in the british tree

Dont show them this.

Could be lower. I still hope gaijin adds the ww2 german helicopter with 2 250kg bombs


Also about trial vehicles earlier, what would you propose be the swedish heli tree or do they just not get one?

You can remove the AHS and mi 28 they were both trial

lmao I will once again ask why gaijin must choose some of the worst nations to give the UK as sub trees not just due to the lack of top tier but also politically


Thats a lie you know that, even if the french will bonk me for saying that

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Well to you hating it, there’s some people to say thanks to Gaijin for that.

They wouldn’t have top tier helicopter but they still have the bo105s. Not every nation has naval trees and for example israel will never get one aswell.

Helis aren’t even that important because cas planes are much more used

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huh? how is that a lie lol?

Are the planes in the redacted list meant to go exclusively to one tech tree for the time being? Similar to the AV8-B Plus?

Yeah lets be honest.

Most of the times planes are just more fun then just csmping 1 position

And the fewest helis are useable as rockets rusherd /close combat
Which just gets more redundant with more programmable ammo

Mi 28A wasnt even trialed IIRC, russians simply allowed some swedish people to sit in gunner’s place while pilot’s were russian.
T-80 U wasnt even trialed fully and was the first vehicle to stop being trialed.
T-80U makes the least sense to be in Swedish vehicles out of all trialed bunch.

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Before gripen Helis were the best for CAS and still are. Sweden’s CAS is 8.7 and 11.7 everything in between is garbage. Heli’s are pretty important though i dont play helicopters because the swedish Bo 105’s are worse than my german versions and ones even at 9.7 which has no linup lmao

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