yes bad dofight fly like brick and look bad
So is it just gonna be like Leopard 2 PzBtl, Copy/paste with different skin?
yeah but is that even ready? There isn’t even a prototype yet for the skyranger germany gets. At least that is what I know but things could have changed
It’s a heavy fighter, of you want to dogfight, use the F-16C
Looks? Hell nah, the F-15 looks way better than the F-14, F-15 and F/A-18
Most likely, yes
bad heavy fighter suck , f16 also suck, gripen best
That’s what i was thinking i believe it might be the skyranger 30
Wow lmao then your are just using it wrong
If you think the F-16C is bad, I feel like you might just have a case of skill issue
no american play look old and fly like bricks
f16 am better!111!!!11!!
They don’t idk what are You talking about
70s tech kinda suck!11!!11
As I said you are properly using it wrong
So you are mad because the US isn’t the top dog right now, gotcha
Then we have the same situation again with the puma. The boxer skyranger with stingers will take forever to add.
The problem is br aswell. Anti air capabilities are like the PGZ09 at 8.3 but that might move up to 8.7 next br change. But if it gets apfsds then it will be around the puma we have ingame now. At least 10.0.
no gripen better !11!1!!!1!1
best plain in the world!11!1
Please stop doing that