Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

Turrets matter much less in this equation than hulls do, but yeah.

So long as Gauijin doesn’t mess up on Benelux copy paste then I wouldn’t mind though, as at least it wouldn’t surpteact that much from the French experience.

Given how ZA is the only “good” sub-tree though (I still hate it) I have my doubts on the quality of Benelux additions

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Well Benelux is way less controversial, it’s a safe addition to the game

I guess that’s fair

Crazy to me too and I’d totally understand other people expecting stuff before it but personally psyched it’s coming. Fokker G1 is something I’ve always really wanted, a whole tree isn’t even THAT necessary but I’ll thoroughly enjoy it none the less. Two interesting jets I’d like to see are:
NF-5A with 6x AIM-9P(4?) and a nerfed F-16A Block 1 with 4x AIM-9P(4?) and no other air to ground stuff.

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Germans copying dutch culture probably fits a lot better than it would the other way around imo

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I think common origins is the right way to look at it. But yeah, braadworst…totally ours. Smoking sausages? Ours too. Anthony Fokker…100% Dutch. Where he was born or grey op or something and where he made his debut building aircraft…all irrelevant.

imo the Bundeswehr x Krijgsmacht integration is more of a German integration into the dutch military than the other way around because the dutch are actually able to defend themselves and dont have an entirely broken military like the germans do


I haven’t looked that deep into it. I thought Germany would be the dominant one here.

Lessons learned from the past. Having one tankette in the entire motorised section of the military, then sinking it in a bog and leaking that info the Germans which results them into flying over the bogs (and flooded areas) to still take the country in 5 days is a wise lesson for any nation. Also only 1 decent, but dated aircraft type in too few numbers alongside even worse stuff wasn’t the best.

I think since the F-16 they decided to just jump on what America has right from the start. They got F-35’s for Gripen prices that way!

afaik there will be no dominant one, it sounded like a pretty equal integration, or I guess Marriage would fit better because after all both militaries will still be able to be mostly their own thing, they’ll just work together on most important parts


Since in the upcoming patch, all nations will get fox 3s or fox 3 capable aircrafts. What the Fox 3 capable aircraft(s) is/are going to come to Japanese tree? Many are thinking of F-15 MSIP, but, if Thailand is going to be Japanese sub-tree by any chance, we might see Thai Gripen C, F-16A, or even F-5TH which is DERBY capable.


I guess it’s possible

but an F-15 is more likely as a BeNeLuxFr tree was leaked

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I feel like the Thai subtree is for later this year, my guess is November update, since I assume Thai F-5 was to test reception from Thai playerbase and they likely didn’t finish it before in case it wasn’t received well. Now they need some more time to make Thai vehicles for a subtree.

Though it is weird they decided to push another subtree before that


Hey thats really cool.

Am I missing the connection that has that to Japan or F-15s?

Hmmmm that makes me think. BeNeLuxFra (like yours) or FraBeNeLux(other order but still keeping original order) or BeFraNeLux (Alphabetic)

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My thought was that they’d only add thai vehicles in a full SEA sub tree and since BeNeLuxFra tree is coming that would take up the sub tree slot SEA vehicles

and then the F-15J MSIP is the only domestic plane they could now get that would bring Fox 3

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Ah “subtree slot” being only one sub tree per patch.
Makes sense, yeah.

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nothing for Xbox, likely won’t be as per usual.

I don’t think those are done through Gaijin’s store.

They aren’t and they are never all packs at once or on any predictable dates. They just show up randomly through the year which makes planning for them impossible.

Probably Microsoft’s fault ngl

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