Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)


I mean it always seems the video comes right before it all. Or am I missing something. I remember for alpha strike there was the trailer then the dev blogs.

You are most likely thinking on after they release the trailer, they do a devblog on the highlighted thing that appeared on the trailer for the update. Like how the Drones were the highlight for Drone Age,

Before they do the trailer they do like 4 Devblogs (the first one being a pre-order & the 3 other being normal Devblogs).

no, the pre oroder opened first for a week

In the last update, with the exception of Buccaneer, everyone was pre-ordered

Just to be sure we are both thinking of this correct? This is the thing that comes before the dev blogs. Right?

Okay no. That Video you circle is when the Update is released to the public (I.e the average joes like you & me)
The Trailer is a bit further down and would have the trailer in its title.

Hopefully that clears the misunderstanding.

Its the update video, not the trailer

No,teaser comes after devblogs,not before.

Yes and no. I’m still confused the order of when to except things. All that i know are trailer and teaser.

first devblogs > Pre-orders > trailer > more devblog with trailer content

This is what I can imagine:

-1st Dev Blog tomorrow
-Next Devblog on next Tuesday
-Dev Blogs continue, at a rate of 1-2 per day, until the following week’s Wednesday, May 29th
-That Thursday, May 30th, teaser
-Next day, Friday, dev stream and dev server
-Update release 2 weeks later; Wednesday, June 12th


It goes like this:

Pre-order devblog β†’ some devblog on 3 random vehicles β†’ Trailer is reveal & Highlighted Devblog Vehicle or nation. β†’ A day later a Dev-stream then after that a Dev server. β†’ Some more random devblogs for about a couple of days β†’ the announcement of the server being temp shut-down to release the update. β†’ The Update is out.

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Just to be sure. Dev blogs are not videos but a vehicle that will be coming.


I understand now thank you all.

i would assume the update would come like friday 17 or monday 20 since it is going a bit slow rn

and thats next month i mean

yes, see a devblog exemple:

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The devblogs won’t be ready until morale improves

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