Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

How long is that?
I’m not gonna count by myself just had a 250 question test “to keep my clearance”

I picked the 365 days of smin and turned into seconds easy

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What if you’re allergic to grass, should I still touch it?

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Just apply a little napalm to the grass

There is the synthetic grass


see ya in 364 days then…


I’m going to take over the Vatican City by then, cya then

Ugh yeah, “luckily” I’m unemployed rn so can get away with hiding in the house with a million air purifiers running

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what about the sea turtles?

Attack the enemy!

Oh trust me I already kill spiders

Use imaginary grass


Anyone want to help?

I think we are gonna be bonked

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I think they might bann us then…

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I mean this is light off topic ness but it’s in good humour so yea but still we are going off topic lol

For talking about world domination

I can take it over and level it in 2 hours just wait and see

At least its not politics again.

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