Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

Say apart from the Dutch Ram II what low-tier Benelux things do we think would come? (for ground at least. we all know the aircraft by now. …right?) (if the leak is true)

Maybe a scimitar i think

Which Britain doesn’t have yet

They used it to i believe


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Better than the previous ey

(narrows eyes ) Highpink lol

wouldn’t that be more mid-tier?

maybe I just have an odd definition.

Low tier: 1.0-5.7 (or 1.0-4.7)
Mid-tier: 6.7-10.0 (or 6.7-8.0)
High tier: 10.3- 11.7

The other feels very limbo BRs for me.

Yeah it would be mid tier but it the only non top tier thing that was in my head

Its gonna be hard to throw around in BRs, at one hand it has R-73s, KAB-500Kr, and a gunpod, which is pretty okay, and probably avionics thats as good as the SM3. On the other hand, a GBU-only loadout for CAS and a mid FM isnt going to carry it too far.

Imagine there isnt a British scimitar but a Belgian one(and one used by the RTA), not sure who would be more mad, Brits(basically Russia when they see China got a tor) or French(they got a British tank in their TT)

Looking at it I guess my idea is loosely based around eras.

Low-tier: ~WW2
Mid-tier: ~Cold War
High tier: ~Modern day

Well not exactly true it’s more or less the ruff idea.

The operated the Scorpion & Strikers too. Even trailed a Scorpion 90 upgrade

I mean Italy has ex-RAF Sabers well the UK still doesn’t.

I’d laugh if the only CVRT they get is a copy paste striker lmao. While I love it, its a pretty terrible ATGM carrier in wt due to the bad atgm flight model and lack of decent maps to work it with

Their will be a riot if France gets it but not UK

acg1 light tank. Basically a much better h39.

T15 tank destroyer. Sorta a proto marder.

Right, the question is who is rioting?

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British because people had asked for it for ages it would be a slap in the face

The stryker is not bad bruv, it is like a khrizantema but its 8.0, has a few good situations, like smaller hurtgen, sinai, tunisia and places, just gotta sit back and relax aye

Well, the French would as well, copypastes are unwanted but fine, yet getting them the copy of a British vehicle would be two slaps to the face in a row.

Isn’t the ACG 1 in game? under the name “AMC.35” or well that’s what I found trying to google it.

Prot marder? oh the WW2 one. I see.

“Vickers T-15 light tank” neat. (looks at it’s true name. yep not trying that)

Gaijin: we cant find sources so here is an armata IFV idk how the Dutch brought it too smh

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The dutch contribution is the l181 armored truck with a 37mm bofors at gun in a turret.