Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

Yea they do exist but in small numbers

Are you sick and tired of CAS? Do you play Naval?

Well may I present the solution to all of your woes:

R-73 boat


Ok now that totally off topic

I just play HMS Tiger and spam a thousand 3inch HE-VT shells for that or HMS London or HMS Renown and fire off an isnane amount of MG fire.

(though i do hope for Type 21 with Sea-Dart sooner rather than later)

What’s the best B-17 in game?

As in: Bomb load wise or stats wise or money making wise?
Stats wise they are all somewhat close to each-other though the G version are a little bit better (I could be wrong)
Bomb load wise: The G Version of the B-17
Money making: that would go to the Japanese version of the B-17E.

Though like I said I could be wrong so take my words with a grain of salt

oh, great, another hundreds of discussion about vehicles from other countries in TTs. Sadly, it’s what many players want, so gaijin give them.
Nowadays, many players(especially new players) want more top vehicles, and they care nothing about low BR.
And they want strong vehicles, no matter where it from, so they can defeat others. So, it becomes like “strv 122 is good, I want more”, or “T-80 and Leo are good, I want a copy paste in the TT I grind”. That cause the chaos and conflicts.
personally I’m against such mixed TT, unless it’s very necessary. It would be boring when everyone fight each other with same ting.

For me I would always prefer having new mid or low tier vehicles, it gets really boring seeing another top-tier vehicle that you either A: can’t get cause you didn’t even bother playing that nation or B: you are too far low to get to it in time.

Though I don’t mean as in Make only low-to-mid tier stuff but have a 50/50 a mix of both low & top tier.

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Idk man I think it’s retarded that I’m in an American Tomcat fighting other American tomcats. Id just like them to remove the one country on both sides thing, and maybe make it so every once in a while even if just by chance there is a match that is Russia vs NATO or something like that. Don’t think that’s too much to ask for. I shouldn’t have to go to sim, a mode that is much less accessible and fundamentally different than RB just to play a match with a nation lineup that makes some sense.


With the arrival of AIM-120, currently 3 planes in the Italian TT can get these missiles and potentially be uptiered in br: F-16ADF, AV-8B+ and JAS39EBS HU C.
Then maybe they will also rework Hungarian MiG-29B closer to real life (giving it R-73 and maybe removing its ER1 missiles) to fill that 12.3-12.7 niche. Plus if Romanian Lancers come, they will probably be somewhere around 11.7-12.0.
I hope they will do it this way honestly)

For these players, they just want top. It’s cool, fast, and play it like FPS, low br vehicles is a suffer to them

That is honestly a sad truth to be said about the new player base. (well most of them at least)

  • B-17-60-VE update idea

  • New Max Speed: 417 mph

  • New Rate of Climb: 1720 ft/min

  • New 500 lb x25

  • New Camouflage:

Wishlist thread please

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Sweden is an example. Some people call it “BIG German”, and you know the reason. In low br, it’s unique and fun, but in top br, terrible.

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From this thread ?


Nah, just needs a “little” update

The reason why is that this Discussion is about the up-coming update and discussing what could come in the next update or what not. What you posted is a more a wish listing something. That’s why he is telling to you post that there rather then here.


Any chance of Devblog this week?

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