Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

does it mean we are getting hot in a Devblog season soon?
it feels strange currently in WT, its so quite


Which Jas-39 should i grind to the 39A or 39C?

did someone say canadian leopard?


Most likely but for now, all we can do is wait and speculate on what the 1st devblog could be.

I’m still betting its gonna be a Pre-order Dev-blog lmao

Dear christ no please.


I would recommend you check todays update, it was quite a lot nonetheless: Update

what pre-order?

No no. I could have sworn I heard the sound of an EAP flying over head


nah, must’ve been a Canadian leo

Surprised it didnt include the Mig-23 stuff

Sweden has only TV-Mavericks and bit less flares, Hungarian has IR HE mavericks and a bit more flares.

They normally do Pre-order dev-blog announcement first but they have done normal random vehicle dev-blog in the past before so that’s why I’m saying that.

we had very many updates with Normal blogs first

the pre order thing is relatively new in my view

Having a power to weight of around 24 is bad mobility now??


Here you go.


hey an armored construction vehicle

Well and you saw how those went.
They had to slot in decals/skins/pfps to make them look unique, besides the unique premium models ( I’m looking at you F-4S/F20A) which should be tech tree. FOMO to the max

Last major update should be big and massive. Like adding 5th Gen Fighters

I disagree with you on the F4S and F-20A

F4S is too small of an upgrade to grind it if the F4J is already in the tree
and the F-20 isn’t really important enough to be added outside of Premium/event trees

I mean, for a game that promised variety that heavily contradicts said promise.
IMO they should have done specific squadron variants ( like leo pzbt or idk, the swedish prem leo). They couldn’t possibly run out of them and would offer more in the tech tree as the grind progresses. hey that’s what folders are for too right?