But we had a leak list, so part 2 isn’t surprising.
We will be doomed the day, when we hit part 2 without ANY info or things to discuss.
But we had a leak list, so part 2 isn’t surprising.
We will be doomed the day, when we hit part 2 without ANY info or things to discuss.
Indeed. Not only dose the UK have domestic options, if it had to be one form a Commonwealth nation there where better options.
Heck we just talked about one that would have been the same BR a few days ago.
and where the mig-21 is an A2A Premium. I think Britain is most desperately in need of a good CAS premium. We dont actually have one. All of our premiums of late have been A2A with some unguided weapons
tfw they make the fa.2 the premium…
The question, therefore, is what could the UK get as a 10.3/11.3 premium CAS plane?
Id buy it. Combine FA2 with premium SL gains and cheap repair costs. Would be great for Sim.
But im actually thinking the Sea Harrier FRS51 should be a premium
10.3 I thought the Buc S2B. Now im not sure (maybe a Jaguar)
Saudi Arabian Tornado Gr1
Harrier Gr5
It sounds like a blast in sim tbh. I’ve been waiting on the U.S. tree to get the av8b for a while now.
I still think it’s a really ridiculous to give the U.K. a MiG-21 that has no connection to U.K. What so ever.
Yeah, I think its gunna be rough in ARB.
But great fun in SB. especially as you actually have carriers as well
You get the CF-111.
An early service Canadian Starfighter.
It had it’s cannon/machine gun removed. Was was to be used as a CAS/nuke delivery only plane. It’s got no way to fight other planes.
They got it the gun back in a retrofit the also changed the name to CF-104.
Oh yeah, its insane
Sounds right. Can go alongside the Lightning F53
I suppose the question is, with the BR split, what BR would a Tornado with only dumb bombs be? The CAS potential of such a plane actually seems severely limited.
Mw-1 my beloved.
Germans will be mad though, it would have GBUs
Its tricky. You do also have the split CMs hopefully coming next major, which hopefully means the Tornados can get their missing 1200 chaff. Which might help getting to targets.
Maybe 10.3/10.7 for GRB
Though I really hope for CBUs sooner rather than later
As for those with guided bombs. Im hoping we can finally go to 11.0 for air modes
At this pace, developers might as well eliminate national distinctions.
Soon, it’ll be the same planes, tanks, and other vehicles battling each other anyway.
While I appreciate the concept of land lease and historical context, there are numerous indigenous designs available.
It would be more interesting to explore those rather than resorting to quick and easy copy-paste solutions
I wouldn’t be shocked. I recall a moment some American mains were doing polls on having the F-16AJ Remove from the game (Before the thing was even added into the game mind you.)