Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

Found it


Looks funny, like a T-44 from NATO.

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did we ever used it? I rember we used the old 1a5 for training

for the future, preparation for 2a8 usage

ah ok, I never heard such a thing

I’ve provided more photos from the other game just for some better angles and looks


i have sth of that tickling the back of my mind, for all i know i might be remembering wrong. But it could make sense. If italy doesnt decide that arietes are close enough to leopards and dont want them

So theorectically a regualy 2A4 would be fine?
let me refine my trade offer
UK gets regular canadian 2A4, DE gets 2A4M

personally I’d prefer a 2A4M cause it’s more unique, but eh, I can compromise so most walk off happy, I just want to make a canadian line up at some point down the line

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I dislike it, we should get rid of it

Whats special with DF105? Shouldnt the curassier be more sensitive than that

honestly, i dont quite now right now, did canada have standard 2a4 variants or are we approaching F-16AJ territory? Besides that, from what i heared, the uk playerbase didnt want that because they already have such an extensive 10.3 line up . Thats one of the arguments i always got to hear when i brought up indian arjun tanks

difference is france has a curassier, they dont have a DF105 equivalent

i think they got the 2A4s and immediately made them 2A4M CANs

it’s pretty much a dropped FL-12 on a mardar, the AMX-13-105 should have come at the sametime

huh, that might be what has been meaned with 2 leos then initialy, standard leo to uk and 2a4m can as premium to germany

Found this
They did have base 2A4s

found a canadian goverment site which named the 2a4 can seperately

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Yeah where is found the photo

The Canadian camo looks really nice

i mean its a standard dark green

This is the closest thing we have to it ingame in the form of the T95E1, the bottom photo is the version that Canada wanted to make/get.


Screenshot 2024-05-07 120951