Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

anyways, so now I guess we are expecting a blog tomorrow?


first devblog, it’s about time and Mondays aren’t the most probable day for a first blog of the dev season




Any more than 0 ?

Doubt it start today, mostly between tomorrow and Friday.

If not next week.

we fiendin out here


My hopes continue to be that if BeNeLux for France is coming, it will just a few vehicles added where France would have had trouble by itself and not Gaijin just adding copy-paste because they can’t be bothered to commit the budget and time, or an entire subtree is the solution to the problem they created.

dont worry bout it…

Btw, what FOX 3 capable aircraft is GER going to get? Can Tornado use FOX 3?

I just hope it won’t be a half tree like Hungary air

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f4f ice and typhoon

Depends on the Tornado. Last I knew only the UK’s Tornado could.

I feel like F-4 airframe is going to struggle at 12+ BR, so the alternative airframes are going to be more suitable, I guess.

would typhoon be good as CAS?

That the F-35 has better stealth technology is not saying that it is always better at anything stealthy than the Rafale… Yes there are conditions where you can screw up. That someone with a sniper rifle can miss a shot doesn’t mean a pistol is better at long range. (waiting for someone to get triggered by the sniper rifle/pistol - F-35/Rafale analogy which is not meant to be taken literally)

The map size etc. has nothing to do with the choice right now for Gaijin so why bring it up. They can always adjust.

Also an awacs locking onto a stealth jet doesn’t mean a missile can. Something often overlooked. Since we’re bringing up exactly what is in game right now…there is no AWACS in game…

Anyways…thats the last I’ll say of it. All I did was highlight that France doesn’t have their own Gen 5. Even the Rafale designers don’t call it a Gen 5 so get real and stop with getting triggered so hard. I really like both aircraft and both are great at anything they are designed to do.

It likely will struggle unless it’s like 11.7 or 12.0.

You are talking about F-4 ICE is this? :D


That’s mostly why I question it.
There’s really not much room for a sub tree to begin with. Why add an entire line of vehicles when it would only take away from what’s already there and make it more difficult to add more vehicles later.

They should just add a few vehicles into existing branches without calling it a subtree.

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