fixed it^^
Will the USA get the F15C in the upcoming update. Would be cool to see.
Well you know what the Bison mean right guys ?
Indian Mig-29K for Britain when ?
ice will come yes, but not necesarily the F/A 18, there already is the f/a 18 radar is already in the game in the av8b+, the other nation all have existing planes with fox 3 capability they can use, f/a 18 propably will come later this year
That would presumably be the Tien Chien-1 AAM, but converted to SAM launchers like the chap.
Edit: raw stats should be somewhat between 9L and 9M, it also has a pretty good radar.
By the way, what is that USH on the Olivia list?
France Coastal CBT (I assume), Churchill AVRE, HMS Queen Mary, and Benelux subtree for France? All very cool, looking forward to these! :D
swedish U-SH 405 thats already in the game, but with another armament
What about the MIM-HAWK or a Humvie with Aim-120s and IR missles
Do you have a pic of it? Not the one that is in the game
This is probably the closest thing
For me personally the 2 most likely options for potential new airframes are the F-15C and AV-8B+.
F-15C is an easy way to add a fox3 capable aircraft to 3 nations at once and the AV-8B+ could be used as a fox 3 platform rhat is a bit less capable flight performance wise.
nup i dont
it’s that one
u sure? that is not U-SH
What so…1.7BR? Like i dont mind another mad max truck
Hey guys!
wasnt there a custom mission at WT live to help train against SPAA when ur in a jet?
feels like people need training in spaas more against jets then the way u want around
SPAA is not limited by skill atm but by capability.
im just bad at modern CAS so i wanna be better