Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

This is why I was looking funny at people thinking it’s going to be ARH or ECM related. :P


From the video it looks a bit like one of the gamemodes in Crossout

Making a arpil fools event about a ARH that were already tested and are coming in a few months would be pointless. (Yea they dested things in april fools before, but not in a situation like that)

theres still a possibility

Looks cool but I hope it will be at least a bit different than ceossout


Why do i feel that even this event will be extreamly grindy

I need to wait fricking 3 hours for it

Well, that is a decent patch

We’re getting a crafting event too or?

replays are now bugged

No. Crafting events are permanently cancelled since this year.

They also added Hungarian and South African roundels from this datamine -

You can unlock them now, check Roundels section in decals.

On one hand, good riddance
On the other, they were masochistically speaking enjoyable
And some of the vehicles were interesting or sell for a lot on the marketplace. Materials too


Trash event


I have no idea why mobile april fool events looks more enjoyable instead Mad Thunder.


As this does not contribute to the main game and does not offer any substantial rewards -I assume- I don’t see too much point to this. Would be nice if the main game would receive attention and care of this level and then maybe we wouldn’t have been cursed with an unoptimized reskinned polland map. Maybe fix the map rotation so that it actually rotates ??? So maybe I stop getting the same 4-5 small and medium maps at f* 10.7. I haven’t seen red desert for months and I have it liked.

The game had optimization issues since the last 2 updates and you all waste resources on pointless crap like this. funny
ESP and aimbot cheaters are still not focused by Gaijin as most banned players are bot users, Chinese “e-sports” players still swarm EU and US servers…game is in shambles meanwhile you all keep nerfing APFSDS, APDS and APHE soon, making WT into world of tanks.


why would anyone want an even earlier version of that plane?

  • the april fools events never had an impact on the regular game

  • gaijin uses them to test future mechanics

for example they tested missiles, FnF ATGMs and Helis there first


Even the Enlisted one looks better