Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

They should add the indian MiG 21 with R77 in the UK TT as a premium jet.

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Or the Cheetah C

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Please no, we have so many better options for that.

For premium ARH, sea harrier FRS51

Evil laughs

Can T1E1 be the next event reward?

Hope so then I can waste my money on the box tank lol

I predict in the future Strike Eagle the new monster CAS for ground RB & ground SB

I think F-4F ICE not bad early fighter aircraft with active radar homing BVRAAM for germany tech tree

I think it will be F-15C MSIP: new radar, HMD, AMRAAMS but slightly worse flight performance.

To be fair technically not true, the early f18’s for finland didnt have their cas capability and the standard engines of the A model alongside the basic radar. The later models received modifications to bring back their CAS abilities alongside adding a newer radar and engines to keep them up to date for more modern missions. I dont remember if both the early finnish f18’s had the bol countermeasure pods or not, i k ow the later ones did but no idea for the early models.

Whether you like it or not gaijin will surely add it. Maybe not in the next update but it will come.

Dont we already have that?

But why?

Britain doesn’t operate and has never operated the Mig21.

It’s a totally random addition. Especially when there are plenty of better options for Premium aircraft like

  • BAE Hawk (which could be AMRAAM armed)
  • Jaguar GR3A

Export aircraft like:

  • Sea Harrier FRS51 (Carries Derby)
  • Buccaneer S50
  • Saudi Tornado Gr1

A mig21 for the sake of adding a mig21 is just stupid like the T90 was

Ermm you know the Commonwealth is know gonna be used for filling holes righ ?

Yeah, but why a Mig21. It’s kinda stupid.

Choice A) Sea Harrier from India with ARH
Choice B) mig21 from India with ARH

And even then, once ARH comes, there are no holes that need filling that can’t be filled directly with native or export variants

Or Cheetah C

Whilst I still think that is semi-unneeded. SA is at least a sub nation

MiG is much better just because it’s faster

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I’m not that fussed by that, just means a 12.3 premium instead of 12.7 premium.

But it’s kinda not the point

T1E1(90) with T7 Gun

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C&P is fine. It’s not fine, when there are lots of unique options.
Like Hungary air at the moment. They enhance the Italian air TT, but there are lots of unique options that could have been added instead of more Russian stuff.
This also opens the gate of unique vehicles being only battlepass, premium and event vehicles.

For instance, look at Finland air. All unique finnish planes are premium, event or battlepass. The chances of that going to happen to Hungary are pretty high, which is ashame, because that would mean a lot of people are not going to be able to play those unique vehicles, and are forced to play the same vehicles over and over again.